Sara Elise Astrology

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Truth in Progress : Full Moon Sagittarius

Daria Aksenova, ‘down the rabbit hole’

Truth in Progress:
Sagittarius Full Moon

A 30 minute video is connected to this newsletter, as work has prevented me from writing extensively, yet again. Please have a look if inclined.

To summarize it: I quickly review the overall Capricorn-esque theme for 2020, as the violence and upheaval  presenting in the last 2 weeks seems to be gloriously expressing the 'dissolution of structure' that is so necessary now. I am humbled and inspired by the brothers and sisters standing up and speaking out against patriarchal injustice, racism and misogyny. It is a conversation rife with varietal viewpoints, and one that clearly needs to happen. Hoorah.

I then follow up on our Venus retrograde. June 3rd was her 'midpoint' upon which she ended the last 8 year cycle and began the new. A powerful liminal day of saying our final goodbyes and daring to lean forward.  Now her soft voice will be whispering you onward, telling sweet secrets of her new unfolding, until she ceases her retrograde on June 23.

Now... I'm going to get my daughter and spend the night with her, and I have a full day tomorrow... so please have a listen. I won't spend much time writing this evening... so this may be overly verbose (counter intuitively, a Gemini's editorial time is spent REDUCING her writing, not increasing it... especially in the month of Gemini!)

Peter Striffolino, ‘Entropy’

Our Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs at approximately 3pm EST on June 5th. It is also a partial eclipse, heralding the first of the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses, as well as the first of 3 subsequent eclipses that will occur at the summer solstice and in early July. Eclipses are always BIG energies... they mark a turning point for the collective, and for us as individuals. From what I have learned, Eclipse energy is better left to work its magic on its own terms. Trying to influence or impact eclipses is a bit like standing in a cyclone and trying to juggle balls. You are not going to be super successful!! If you are particularly sensitive psychically, you may pick up a lot of information on eclipses... but best not to try and USE the energy or impel it, in some way. It is very big and very chaotic. (Take this from one born at a full Moon eclipse!)

(For me, an eclipse meditation I may focus on tomorrow is something like 'what is the TRUTH of my being, that which illuminates me uniquely within the vast multiplicity of life unfolding', or some such. Have a try of it, if it appeals to you.)

This Full Moon is not super fun. It creates a tensile aspect, with Gemini Sun/Venus opposing Sagittarius Moon, both square to Mars/Neptune in Pisces. In astrology this is called a T-square, and it indicates a sense of dis-ease or a conflict that feels uncomfortable. Edgy. Often unbearable.

Add to this the fact that Mars and Neptune are both in Pisces, and you have a turbulent 'Alice in Wonderland' descent into confusion, frustrated will, disillusionment, and an underlying inability to actually DO anything.

Our world right now is awash in perspectives. Awash in ideas. Awash in inputs. We have information overload and violent uprisings underpinned by serious collective pain. We are each of us desperate to be heard, while simultaneously being called to LISTEN UP and stay quiet enough to receive each other! And beneath it all lies this indwelling desire for something greater, something better, something more.

But solutions may be hard pressed, at this particular point in time. "Not in the stars", as they say.

I have little more to add in the way of advice, except to simply try and make it through tomorrow's energy with the least amount of conflict possible. With Virgo as the release point of the T-square, doing something USEFUL might be a good starting point. Or engaging in self-care. Or working and focusing on something important to you. We are about to start a WILD ride at the end of June, as Mars enters Aries (I talk about that at the end of the video...). So calm down, stay clear, and pray deep. Do you work and make something meaningful out of your day. Maybe even have some fun!!! :)

Aside from working all day, I am going to get my bike gears fixed so I can ride it. Really, really fast and for a long, long time.

Blessings friends...