Nodal Axis Vision: Deep Dive into Virgo Shadow
As far as I can tell, when the South Node activates collective karma, each of us as individuals will ‘play out’ a tiny role in the movie… in order to help humanities’ astral field evolve. And the ‘evolution’ that we seek? It generally rests in the archetype of the North Node. In this case, in Pisces.
Nodal Axis Shift: A New Semester in Earth School
When things seem hard or bad or ugly this next cycle, may I remember there is a wholeness that holds us, always. May I remember that Source is real, God is real, and perfection supersedes frail detail. May I know there is a unified field of love that patterns humanity, as one family, and that I can tap into this field. May I remind myself, when faced with crisis, that compassion is the recognition we are ONE... one being, one heart, one mind... working together toward highest potential. And this means I can hold a calm space for difference, dissent and calamity... a space filled with loving awareness and the choice to move things toward beauty by finding it within my SELF first.... rather than condemning the other. May I easily and graciously embody the medicine that humanity needs during this next turn of our evolutionary wheel.
Taurus Full Moon: Grace vs. Grumbling
Whatever Scorpio darkness we have had to face these past 2 weeks, whatever new level of power we have reached, whatever limits we have surpassed... see this clearly and with peace today.
Rather than choosing fear/panic/discord, choose clarity/authenticity/connection.
Because only one of those choices is going to feel good. And doesn't Taurus LOVE to feel good???
Capricorn Full Moon: Culmination
Everything we build on this earthly plane will die, every dollar we make will go back to the pot it came from, every luxury car will break, every body will age, every beauty will fade. When all the tangibles die, what is left?? When all the man-made structures fall, what remains?
Capricorn wisdom, perhaps, comes from the choice to succumb to a greater power, or authority, that animates us. And then to LIVE UP to that higher form by BEING the responsible leader who lives with integrity.
Cancer New Moon: An Emotional Pivot Point
At today's New Moon please remember that Cancer is a gelatinous and watery archetype. Not fully formed, it prefers to dart in and out of salty wetness... protecting itself through subversive clacks and sideways scuttles.
The best way to connect with our Cancer energy is to be alone, in a place safe for you, so that you can FEEL yourself internally. Cancer is an inside job... and stillness ensures her emergence. So spend time alone this evening, reflecting on your personal sense of INNER EMOTIONAL ME.
Eclipsed: Willing Ourself Sacred
Facing self… fighting for self… RECLAIMING self. The TRUE self. No aberation, no mask, no projection.
The pain, the beauty.
Chiron on our eclipse today is an invocation of TRUE SELF that cuts deep.
"Ode to Sacred Meat Suit" or From Suffering to Sanctuary
Coming into a body is inherently sacrificial, as our soul experiences itself as 'less than' it was, reduced from 'perfect origin' state to one limited and 'bound'. And Virgo owns this process of 'weaving Spirit into Form'.
Like a cosmic tailor in the fitting room of life, Virgo does her best to fit God into the finely woven casing of a meat suit. I can just hear her, kvetching.
"Oy! It’s tight in there!!! Oy! It's so HOT! Oy! It's smelly!!!"
(Though I have a theory that Virgos themselves do not smell. I've yet to proven wrong.)
New Moon Cancer and Pluto square the Nodal Axis: A Whole New Me, A Whole New You
Transformation city. Coming HOME to a deeper YOU. A deeper ME. And hopefully... a deeper sense of our GALACTIC FAMILY.
This time we are in is INITIATING us into deeper and more spiritual levels of personal identity (Cancer) that will enable us to evolve to a higher level of consciousness (Neptune/Uranus/Pluto).
Ha. Simple right? ;)
I feel this is a big deal and that we should honor it as such.
Cancer Season: The Deep Earth Heartbeat, our Home
'Of all you might achieve in life, what could be more valuable than knowing the heartbeat of your Mother?'
Venus in Leo: Shameless, Gratuitous Summer of Love
The kind of love that peaks in its own glory, parties the night away high on its magnificence, does a rail of itself on the bar at 3am to keep going, and then takes its walk of shame home at sunrise while wobbling shamelessly in gratuitously high heels. This is LEO LOVE.
Taurus New Moon: A Realistic Begining
This is not a dramatic New Moon, not fireworks or whoops of delight. Rather it speaks of quiet stability and authentic inner connection to the divine that we are. A new foundation upon which to stand.
Scorpio Penumbral Eclipse: Life is a Forge
Dancing with darkness only gets you so far. Better to stop using weapons against yourself… and use your passion to create treasures that empower the world around you instead. For as low as you go, that's as high as you may rise.
BE YOURSELF: Eclipse Gate Opens with Anaretic Aries New Moon
If you were to radically accept your individuated self, exactly as you are, and declare your uniqueness from this point onward, what would you SAY? What DECLARATION OF SELF might you speak??? Put it into a sentence... write it out. Speak and say WHO YOU ARE. Be brave. Feel it. Be it. This is the time. 29° Aries... culmination of self.
Self-FULL-ness or Self-ISH-ness: An Aries Dilemma
Aries natural impetuous 'selfishness' is at its best a sort of 'self-FULL-ness'... because the SELF that Aries is full of? It's Pisces, of course. Aries at its best is deeply connected to Source, to the Gods, to its cosmic origins in the 12th house... and thus it is able to receive information from its higher order family to guide its adventures.
Saturn Ingress Into Pisces: Dream A Little Dream With Me
Healthy Saturn in Pisces can indulge in the dream without getting lost in it. It can stay awake while swimming, eyes open, enjoying the fact that we are creators of a fantastic story.... and it is okay to relish in the joy this brings us!! Dreams are there for our entertainment. We have FRONT ROW SEATS TO LIFE!! So enjoy! Applaud! Standing Ovation all around!
Cancer Full Moon: Sourcing from Within
For all humans, the deepest inner source of HOME is our connection to the Primordial Feminine. The waters of life. The Mother Goddess. It is HER tenderness that allows us to feel empathy and vulnerability, to give birth to new ideas and projects (and people!), and to give us something meaningful to work for.
This year might be compared to the moment that a baby is entering the cervix during the birth process... as the baby descends, it bumps against what feels an impossibly tight passage.
OUT OF BOUNDS!!! Closing out 2022 a little freaky...
What does that phrase mean to you? Out of control? Beyond understanding? New? Dangerous? Exciting???
Well, this month is full of it.
Bright Eyed Truth Speak. Gemini Full Moon.
"I wanted it one way, now I see it is another.
While the paradox of this is maddening, the TRUTH is:
I want freedom more than delusion.
So I choose YOU, TRUTH with a BIG T...
I relish you, I love you, I defend you,
for I know it is YOU, dear TRUTH, who offers the gate to authenticity.
And, ultimately, to fulfillment of my unique contribution to the collective dream of unified being."
From Might to Light : Metaphore or Prophecy?
To perceive wholeness, unity and Truth… Or persist in a mind set perceiving division and separation.
Is there a choice to make?