Sara Elise Astrology

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Karmic Reckoning (or... revealing the dream weaver): Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

At 12:44am EST on July 5th we have a Full Moon at 13 degrees of Capricorn. This is the third Eclipse since early June, and the 7th and final eclipse in the Capricorn/Cancer series that began in January 2019.

This final eclipse should bring with it a release, of a sort. A final gathering and honoring of the wisdom gained this past 1.5 years. A reckoning, a stabilization, a final 'hurrah', if you will. A celebration of Integrity Owned.

It has been a wild ride, through this Capricorn/Cancer karmic dance. And we're not out of the woods yet, as Pluto/Jupiter and Saturn are rumbling through the archetype, bringing more transformation of inner and outer structures, until the end of 2020. But with the recent lunar Node shift to Gemini/Sagittarius, the 'tone' or 'emotional field' of our collective evolutionary impulse is shifting. And so this weekend really marks the 'end' of a cycle for all of us. And the start of something new.

As so, I hope we take some time to consider what we have learned and come through, this past 1.5 years. To take the best forward and affirm the growth/change/evolution achieved.

Every 1.5 years, as the Lunar Nodes shift, the 'lessons' that our collective moves through shift in tone. During each cycle, we face into the shadow of the South Node archetype, and remedy this by developing the beauty of the North Node's qualities. I acknowledge this is a simplistic way of explaining this, yet it seems to play out.

Don't take my word for it. Why don't we play a little game?

The Nodes shifted to Capricorn/Cancer on November 17th 2018. Since then, we have unearthed themes related to Capricorn Shadow while 'leaning' into Cancer's wisdom.

Here are some 'key words' to describe these. Can you identify themes alive for you, through 2019 and 2020? Can you imagine how these have played on the world stage?

Capricorn Shadow:

  • emotionless, cold and deprived of human comfort

  • deprivation of emotion and care

  • rigid conservatism

  • materialism

  • extreme adherence to rules and formalities

  • oppressive regimes and leadership structures

  • corporations/government/societal structures that serve the bottom line before the greater good

  • inhibition and disrespect for nature or the feminine

  • mis-use of power (both pre-meditated and rote)

  • an unhealthy adherence to hierarchy

  • power-hungry and/or authoritarian leadership

  • patronizing attitude

  • elitist and/or miserly

  • despondency

  • suffering

Cancer Medicine:

  • nurturing and sensitivity

  • power in vulnerability

  • care and consideration of feelings

  • empathy, responsiveness, authentic care

  • innocence and beauty of feminine vulnerability and pleasure

  • comfort and comforting

  • value of roots, home and family

  • care for the vulnerable or weak

  • respect for nature and the beauty of the feminine

  • authentic heart-based loyalty

  • nurturing

  • healthy inter-dependency

  • taking care of each other. being taken care of.

  • attuned to the feeling nature - the unconscious, the intuitive, the feminine

  • valuing 'safety' and 'protection' of hearth and home (private homes and our shared home, mother Earth)

Now we all know that the Capricorn theme lit up more strongly in 2020, as the Pluto/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn aligned in January and was followed by a Jupiter/Pluto alignment in late March/early April. As we have experienced, the structural and hierarchical global system is falling down around us.... prompted by an invisible 'enemy'... forcing us to 'stop' our blindly habitual adherence to the systemic 'way things have always been' and 'come home'.

In this past 1.5 years, which of you out there has not faced into your deepest self? Which of you has not cried, or felt bereft or lonely? Which of you has not realized the value of intimate love, of companionship, of tending and caring for each other? And which of you has not 'seen the light', so to speak... reclaimed an appreciation for a healthier pace, a deeper emotionally embodied sense of security and stability, prompted by an INNER KNOWING, rather than an outer form or rigid rule?

What a perfect Coup D'etat for Dear Cancer's desperate call... albeit painful and traumatic.

Yet we heeded. We heeded.

And this is not over. There is much afoot. The deceptions implicit in this event will be revealed as our Gemini/Sagittarius Nodal Axis leads us to question our beliefs. To question the stories and narratives fed to us, on so many levels. Internally and externally.

So... here we are. And we have a ways to go.

But lest we get beyond ourselves, it is so important to just acknowledge the moment we are in. If we are present to the natural uprising of energy that happens at these cataclysmic collective moments, like today's eclipse, we can use the energy to learn and grow.

Because the MOMENT will reveal the way the lessons are unfolding, on the personal level. The information is available, if we pay attention to signs and signals.

As an example of this, I thought to share a personal narrative of how this eclipse is playing in my reality. It also offers a straddling of the Capricorn/Cancer and Sagittarius/Gemini themes, which are playing themselves in my nativity and on the world stage at the moment. See if you can recognize the themes, my archetypal brethren!

If this is not too personal and you are inclined, continue to read on. And if you are not inclined, I have offered enough information to serve you on this blessed day.

In the past 24 hours, I have been shown how my MIND creates structures and stories... like homes or prisons within which I have dwelt. I have been invited to go beyond this level of implicit mental conditioning by anchoring into Integrity. And, in doing so, have witnessed the stories tumble and crumble like fractured stones weakened by the lichen of time.

It began Friday at 7am, with a meditation upon the meaning of this weekend's Eclipse. I was drawn upward into a 'star point' about 3 feet above my head. I have visited this point before, yet it has been a while. And never so powerfully. It felt I was 'graduating' into a deeper sovereignty and connection to my higher nature.

And this 'star point' of awareness continued to pull me throughout the day, like an anchor onto which my focus was tethered.

I thought 'Oh, the meaning of this eclipse is integrity. Got it.'

While this felt strong and good, I had some personal drama unfold. It involved a friend I have been engaged with since the beginning of the Cancer/Capricorn cycle, in December 2018. And upon who's Sun this Eclipse is adjoining at 13 degrees of Capricorn, directly opposite my Saturn/Venus at 16/19 Cancer. I've known we shared karma, so I invited this friend to spend time together during the eclipse. I intended we might connect with the lessons shared and, in a loving way, bring ourselves to healthy resolution.

(Or at least have a good laugh about it, in any case...)

Of course it didn't unfold as I had hoped, and my relationship to this idea became unbearably painful throughout the day. Agonizing, actually.

First sign - where there is pain, there is karma. Where there is pain, there is a broken line or a damaged structure. And where there is pain, there is an invitation to healing and whole-ing.


So I went to bed in pain and troubled, with this dynamic powerfully in my mind. And I awoke in the wee hours still thinking about it. My mental body was so troubled that, instead of continue to ruminate at 2:30am, I willed myself to 'lock' onto the star point that had come alive for me early on Friday. And I asked my spirit to reveal the resolution/lesson/meaning of the discord I was feeling. Then I 'let go', while remaining 100% focused upon this point.

And I waited.

What transpired over the next few hours was remarkable. Like a 'half wake, half sleep' dance of deep soul imagery and dream material, it was like a medicine journey. I won't go into personal details, but suffice it to say I witnessed a before unseen 'constructed dream'. A way I had given my power to a woven tapestry of meaning. And as long as I kept affirming my alignment with this Star Point, the imagery and teachings just kept flowing. For hours!!

At the first level of the experience, the mental unwinding felt societal. Of this present lifetime. The more I 'focused' on this point beyond my mind, the more I witnessed the ways I have been programed to mentally pattern reality through the modality of electronic flickers and quick-pick dopamine social media hits. As the weave of this level of mind relaxed, deeper material began to arise. Rich images from what felt like a past life began to surface, lessons and memories presented. I flitted in and out of sleep at this point, with words and sentences gently resting on my lips each time I would rise into consciousness, placed there by spirit for me to 'understand' the meaning being shown me. Of course this person was in the dream material. I was there. Others, as well. And I was shown the tenure of this particular form of our relationship, the qualities of lessons, the implications from past actions weaving their slippery ways implicitly into current circumstance. It was a remarkably humbling download. I woke up knowing so much more than when I went to bed. I realized the power that words hold, that they are spells creating reality. And I realized that the impact of charms can stay with us across lifetimes.

In essence, I was taught that the safest 'weaver of reality' is that weaver/dreamer who lies beyond the human soul.

Now that's an eclipse for ya.

And Hallelujah, I say!!!

As painful as our lessons may be, what a blessing. To play with old friends, make up for lost time, and reclaim fragments of our souls while we're at it. 

Time well spent.

I share this story because I want you to know that we all carry 'structures and karmas' that form the way we see the world. These can be inherited from ancestors, carried from past lives, or rooted in the present socio/cultural zeitgeist. Whatever their origin, it is OUR responsibility to see beyond the LIES we live within. The lies that are convenient. The narrative 'truths' we blindly believe. We have FREE WILL to choose where we focus our attention. We can chose to perpetuate structures that, while comfortable, bind us to karmic behaviors and reaction patterns not serving highest good. Or, though often humbling, we can choose to lock into our liberation and let go of our comfort zone. Focus on something beyond the drama. Trust in a greater truth, a higher plan.

(As a dear friend of mine once said to me 'It's not hocus pocus, it's just focus'.)

I bet you anything that in these past 18 months you have also been learning lessons of how to 'take down the walls' of your security patterns, trust more deeply in implicit power, and, perhaps most importantly, to align with your INTEGRITY.

SO: the word of our eclipse today is: INTEGRITY.

That star point I anchored into??? That feels like MY integrity.

What is yours?

Blessings on this rather intense day...

Sara Elise.