Sara Elise is a Transformational Evolutionary Astrologer based in Toronto, Canada.
About Sara
“Believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance, and have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.”
I met my first astrology teacher, Debra Silverman, when I was 22. It was love at first site… and soon she was my mentor.
Despite a ‘normal’ career in Corporate Marketing for Procter & Gamble, the calling to the subtler realms continued. In my mid-30s, thanks to a precipitous Pluto transit, I left consumer culture behind and returned to the practice of astrology in earnest. Now I am blessed to offer clients what seems to best be described as ‘Transformational Astrological and Spiritual Life Coaching’. Aside from serving clients online and in person in Toronto, I am a certified astrologer for Deb's community and a master mentor for her school, Applied Astrology.
I am a devoted student and practitioner of Evolutionary Astrology (a therapeutic astrological lineage). In addition to deep personal study, I have completed Mark Jones's Pluto School, and studied in Michael DeBaker’s school, EA Online. Though I am not a regulated therapist and astrology is not a substitute for therapy, I have received training in Holistic Psychotherapy and Psycho-Synthesis Coaching, in order to stay trauma informed and sensitive to my clients needs.
I am extremely drawn to Esoteric studies and have mentored with, and am an ongoing student of, Mr. Alan Oken, who’s language of consciousness makes my soul sing. I was blessed to have him as a teacher in this life. Alan passed early in 2022, of Covid. I miss him. In my quest to find a language to describe the reality I know, I have studied a range of mystery teachings, including mythology, elemental shamanism, Qi Gong, Mayan cosmology, Theosophy, Hermeticism, meditation, and more. I am a forever student, always deepening and broadening.
And I no longer pretend to be normal.
I would like to share a personal story that describes my life’s MISSION STATEMENT.
When I was in my early 20s, I had an experience wherein I was 'lifted' out of my body to a point of awareness located in orbit of the earth. Looking down upon our beautiful planet, I was 'shown' that each of us has a radiant core of light energy that runs the vertical length of our spinal column, continuing far above our heads and deep below our feet. This column of light is our unique blueprint, our 'cosmic self', and our connection to consciousness and the Universe/Source Energy. I was 'shown/told' that it is through aligning with this inner core of light that we will help our earth evolve forward into peace, wellness and prosperity. I was also shown that when we are truly connected and in alignment, everything we need comes to us. Easily and effortlessly.
While maddeningly difficult to manifest, the pursuit of integrity as described by this vision remains my life's calling. I find astrology to be a particularly helpful tool in this effort, and my readings carry this intention. To remember and reconnect with the 'divine blueprint' that is our birth right and our truth.
To fall in love with our Self.
To be of service to this is my honor and purpose.