
Readings quoted in USD. Please contact me directly for sliding scale or alternate payment options.

NOTE: April 2024: After years of stability, I have raised my prices. It is hard, as I am loyal to my clients and appreciate consistency. Yet, as a single mother of 3, it is prudent. If you are now priced out of working together, please reach out… we will make it work. I will never turn anyone away.

For those who understand the value of this work and are able to honor it in exchange, I sincerely thank you.

Love, Sara.


Astrology readings

Cost: $327 USD, 90 min

Immersive Evolutionary astrology Reading

For first time clients, this is my initial ‘dive deep into your soul’ reading.

This is a comprehensive analysis. And I do mean comprehensive! We do a full history check, looking deeply into your life, the patterns of your current and past incarnations, your personality architecture, your major evolutionary opportunities, your purpose, your karma, and the influence of current and future transits, cycles and progressions.  I examine the chart using multiple astrological approaches. This reading can be life changing. Truly. I have clients YEARS after our initial session, still referencing their first reading. An investment in yourself.


Cost: $277 USD, 90 min

This is best for clients who have had an immersive reading, yet is open to anyone. We will tune IN, tune UP and tune OUT…. to the year ahead. Astrology is all about timing, and together we explore your karmic dynamics as they relate to your natal chart and current influences. We explore evolutionary cycles, progressions and transits… in light of chart dynamics. Also available is casting of a Solar Return chart, upon request.


Follow Up

For those who’ve had a reading within the past 4 months.

Sometimes a reading brings things up and you have questions, or you want to go deeper. This conversation can make it easy to re-engage when you feel you need more time together, within a 4 month window of our last session.

30 min: $172

60 min: $227


Children's Readings

Child’s Chart, 45 min. This reading is a wonderful tool for parents! Learn about the way your child processes information, emotions, challenges, school, friendships - you name it. Helps you get to know their quirks and unique selves, so as to embrace them as they are with understanding and compassion. Very useful!

Cost: $172

Child's reading plus Parent Synastry Analysis, 60 min. Let's take a look at your child's chart with yours overlaid! This is a powerful way to understand how your personality interacts with your child's.

Cost: $227


Relationship Charts

Synastry Charts and Composite Charts are a technique of comparing 2 people's astrological make-up to gain insight into their relationship dynamics. This can be used when looking at lovers or marital partners, a boss and employee, two friends - any two people who form a significant relationship with each other.

This type of reading requires more time than a normal reading. First we do a full reading of each individual chart, then we combine them for a synastry and composite analysis.

This can be scheduled all in one go or in separate sessions, totaling approximately 3 hours.

Cost: please email me for most details. This is customizable.



If you are already booked into a reading and you want to have a peak at your partner, your friend, your lover or your child... in comparison to yourself... I offer a less detailed analysis. This is a quick way to identify potential blocks in communication, points of ease and congruence, and soul-to-soul lessons/karma.

Cost: $50 (in addition to reading charge)