Astrology Explored

Astrology is one part science, one part art, and one part magic. On the collective level, it is among the oldest spiritual and scientific practices on the planet, underpinning our civilization. And on the personal level, astrology has the power to literally ‘wake’ us up. Reminding us we are more than we perceive, astrology reveals that we are part of a great indomitable WHOLE and, though small, each one of us is simply and profoundly ENOUGH. In fact, we are MORE than enough. We are SOUL EMBODIED HUMANS, and our dance with the divine is perfectly formed.

The moment of our birth might be said as constellating a narrative tale, a ‘grand adventure’ or ‘hero’s journey’, upon which each embarks for the brief tenure of our incarnation. Yet how we dance on this adventure depends on us. Though our form be fixed and fated, our will is free. Thus we choose to receive our lessons and grow, or stay still and stagnate. We choose to elevate and liberate, or simmer in suffering. And more often than not, a combination of these pepper our lifelong journey home.

Yet in peering through the astrological lens, something remarkable happens to this seemingly unconscious dance.

  • Suddenly we illuminate our karmic narrative and bring it to the light.

  • Suddenly we SEE our challenges, our lessons in Earth School… we acknowledge what we have known yet possibly have never put into words.

  • In the ‘seeing’, we de-personalize some of our suffering, remove the ‘sting’, elevate to objectivity. We forgive ourselves, have compassion, hold space for ourselves as we are.

  • And as this clarity arises, we are freed to affirm our deepest soul’s longing and, if we are ready, to re-orient toward our Evolutionary Goal… toward the BIRTHING OF OUR DESTINY.

This is why I blithely call this work SOUL MIDWIFERY. Tongue in cheek, perhaps. Yet simply the #1 benefit observed. Every time.

Here is a more concrete list of benefits I have noted. If you are interested in understanding the impact of my work, please visit my testimonials page for some first hand accounts.


The fundamental benefit of this work is ‘Transformative Evolution’. Quite simply: clients enter in one state and leave in another. Often one session can change their life. Even juicier, packages of 4 or 8 sessions lead to deep self-understanding and acceleration of personal evolution.

Not to be underestimated, the power of this work leaves me humbled and grateful, every single day.

Direction and purpose

Why are you here? What is your deepest Soul’s longing? Each of us knows this, yet this knowing is often hidden away, locked in a secret room. Because of society’s judgments, family expectations, and personal fears, so few of us allow ourselves to bring this knowing to the light. Evolutionary Astrology powerfully illuminates our deepest hopes and dreams, affirming what we know, giving ourselves permission to move toward it.

To find our direction, to steer the ship well, to hold focus on Purpose and Clarity that affirms life choices. The Northern Compass Point, the Arrow’s Tip.


Self Love. Learning to accept who we are, as we are. What a gift. One astrology session can offer the combined benefits of life coaching and psychotherapy - compounded in a fraction of the time! Every therapist should know this language - truly.


Astrology is great at identifying gifts, talents and abilities. Sometimes we need to be reminded of how amazing we are, cause that little voice inside can be so mean. Astrology is a wonderful way of giving yourself permission to be your best self - 100%. And feeling great is fundamental to the embodiment of abundance.


Identifies, with kindness, psychological blocks and unconscious patterns that can hold us back... and helps us find release points and ways of moving past them.

Evolutionary cycles

Helps to identify what is 'up' for us, in the current time. What lessons we are learning, what we are being triggered into. Trust me - when going through a major life transition or transit, this knowledge can mean the difference between depression and dread, and going through change with grace, awareness and self-compassion. (Can you say ‘Pluto Transit’??)


Astrology can provide insight into relationship and family dynamics, and point toward resolution. 'Who is the type of person I would match well with?' 'Why do my buttons always get 'pushed' with this person?' 'What are the energetic dynamics between myself and my partner?' 'Why am I being compelled back toward this person, again and again?' These questions and more are fascinating to explore with astrology.


An outstanding tool for parents!!! Honestly. Giving the gift to yourself, of a reading of your child's birth chart, can totally shift the relationship dynamic in your household. It is empowering to objectively understated WHO your child is so you can stop trying to change them and start working WITH them, in a collaborative and supportive way.

We are here on purpose

There is a reason, we all have one. No one is exempt.


Affirms what you know on the deepest level, yet may be afraid to acknowledge as truth. It's like having a angel whisper into your ear - 'yes, this is what you came here for... it is true, and what you've always longed for is real.’

My evenings are taken up very largely with astrology. I make horoscopic calculations in order to find a clue to the core of psychological truth…
— - Carl Jung, letter to Freud, 1911; quoted from Liz Greene’s brilliant book, “Jung’s Studies in Astrology': Prophecy, Magic, and the Qualities of Time”
I want to put a shout out to my dear friend Esther Buttery, who created this beautiful image for me. You can find her work at

I want to put a shout out to my dear friend Esther Buttery, who created this beautiful image for me. You can find her work at

The love that we withhold is the pain that we experience... lifetime after lifetime. And when we master our emotions, we master our creations. You have to overcome the memory and emotion... and when you do, you belong to the future instead of the past.
— Joe Dispensa