Sara Elise Astrology

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Shadow Play

Here is our New Moon in SCORPIO, Sunday October 27 2019, 11:38pm EST. A surprising mix of deep dark diving and Uranian discord, this New Moon is asking us to face into our shadow and reclaim our TRUEST WORTH.

Because always, in the month of Scorpio, we are learning to be Witchy.

And what does it mean to be a Witch?

A 'Witch' is one who knows that all of life is ENERGY and POTENTIAL – and that that which we perceive as BOUNDARY or IDENTITY or STORY is often an illusion. That we can go beyond it. We are MORE than it. That our NATURE is more powerful than any construct our minds might place upon us.

Being a Witch is having ability to look our pain in the face, buoyed by faith that something CORE and ESSENTIAL will be there, on the other side, to catch us. And as we move into deep embodied authentic power, we MANIFEST what we need from authentic self.

That is what it means to cast a spell. To rest in PURE SELF, set INTENT or WILL TO GOOD, and EXPAND our intention into new form.

To live by Design rather than Default.

And not let anything – construct, paradigm, belief or thought form – stand in our way.

Getting to CORE – now that's the Hero's Journey. Working through the fears, beliefs, lies, constructs... to embody the PURE POTENTIAL of TRUE SELF??

This requires facing inward, diving deep. Shadow work.

That is Scorpio’s domain.

So what is our ‘SHADOW’?

At an essential level, our shadow is a disowned part of our self that we no longer have contact with. At some point we 'covered it up' to keep it safe, choosing to create a contract around our truth in response to a real or perceived environmental threat.

Sometimes these contracts look like defensive beliefs:

  • 'I'm never going to trust men again'

  • 'I must be stupid'

  • 'I'm unlovable'

  • 'If I shine too brightly, no one will like me'

  • 'I'm different and that is dangerous'

  • 'I have to lie to get what I want'

  • 'If I get too close/vulnerable/open, I will get hurt'

  • 'I have to be mean or cynical to protect how sensitive I am'

Other times contracts are experienced as pure emotional vibration - feelings like shame or fear, or panic, or fatigue. And they can be experienced physically as well - like blocks or injuries, pains and miss-alignments, even illnesses.

These contracts form foundations that dictate how we create our lives. They hold us in place, imprisoned to something no longer relevant. As we grow into adults, they require transformation in order to free us to create lives that are founded in our TRUE value system.

To reclaim our CORE SELF we go through the defensive layers of construct or belief or pain that are protecting it. That is the process of healing. Facing IN to the PAINFUL PLACES WE ARE REJECTING in order to reclaim those tiny bits of pure self. Becoming WHOLE. Soul Embodied. Free. That which we always are and always will be.

This is the world of Scorpio - to transform outdated thought forms, emotional forms, physical forms and belief structures of the personality - so that we are BORN ANEW into a more soulful self. To face into the darkness and bring it to the light.

As we go into shadow it is important to remember that the Fear/ Shame/Rage/Sadness, or the Pleasure/Joy/Gratitude (yes, we can deny ourselves happiness just as we deny our rage) - these are simply energetic frequencies held in the body somewhere. They are valid... they exist. We experience them as real. Yet they are also NOT real. They are also just a frequency that needs to be 'brought back in line' harmonically with the rest of us that has moved forward and is mature. So playing with shadow is one part 'PLAYFUL RE-ENACTMENT' and one part 'KEEPING THE LIGHTS ON'. While we BECOME the energy, we also keep our adult self 'in the room'. We FEEL it fully without allowing our mind to loop back into the drama and begin to play it out, perpetuating the story line. The help of a skilled therapist as we do this work can be invaluable.

Check out today's Video for a conversation about this, and for an exercise you may find useful in your journey this month. (click on the image below to play the video)

It is by going inward and making the sub-conscious conscious that we grow in personal power, clarity and grace. This is the process of RE-embodiment - bringing our SOUL into our FORM. Scorpio merging with Taurus. And Scorpio teaches that our BEING, our CORE is more powerful than anything we can possibly create - EVER. And by STARING OUR SHADOW IN THE FACE from pure self, false creations transmute and we inhabit our interior spaces with authentic power.

Enjoy the deep nourishing journey of this Scorpio month.
