Sharing Love : Gemini New Moon And Venus Retrograde

This newsletter is short and sweet today. I recorded an epic 30 minute Video that you are welcome to tap into, if you want a deeper dive into the moment.

I quickly want to delineate the messages and meanings, as I am tracking them, of this New Lunar Cycle in Gemini:

 allowing the cosmic mind to merge with our human mind.... being clear and focused on what stories we are opening to... mental clarity and alignment being the fundamental message

or, put more simply,


Gemini is all about the mind... and the mind is a powerful part of our path of ascension and growth. Without a focused, disciplined and clearly aligned mind, we can be pulled into the hamster wheel of our own subconscious, looping and looping again and again through the same patterns of obsessive thought. And who of us does NOT get caught on that wheel? Clearly it is part of our human experience, for better or for worse. But today we get to plant some seeds of intent, to carry us beyond where we are been... and toward something more reflective of our Truth.

  • This Gemini New Moon asks us to SEE our mind as being an extension of our DIVINE RIGHT TO BE ALIVE AND PRESENT IN THE MOMENT. Own your MIND, and you own your SELF.

  • It reminds us that what we focus on defines our reality - internally and externally. We always have the choice of how/where to focus! The WITNESS is a powerful ally, and one we can each tap into, in any moment.

  • It calls us to plant seeds for connection and love and receptivity, for communication from non-judgement and open-hardheartedness.

  • And for those who are able, it reminds us that HIGHER MIND is a spacious and clear place wherein we can receive thought, receive messages and receive knowing that guides us clearly on the path.

We've come out of a deeply embodied Taurus cycle into an airy, light and spacious Gemini space! Many of us are reintegrating with the world around us, leaving our interior spaces and feeling the breath of life on our skin again.

Yet there is still a need to honor the process of deep inner work that is in progress.

See, the Goddess of Love and Deep Worthiness, Ms. Venus, is completing her latest 8 year cycle. This longer period is built of 5 distinct 'sub-cycles' that each offer unique lessons within the greater pulse of her 8 year journey. In the past 25 years we've had 4 such cycles. 1996, 2004, 2012... and now 2020. If you look back and consider where you were in each time period, what lessons of LOVE and WORTHINESS, of value and resource, were bubbling up, you might be able to catch a theme! Or a pattern. Or, if you're lucky, you might be able to 'feel/see' some of the beauty of her unfolding genius in the mythic journey of your life.

Until June 3 we are in her final 'REVIEW' stage, revisiting patterns of self-love and love-of-other that have served as our teaching platforms since the last 'sub-cycle' began in October 2018, and since the 'meta-cycle' began in 2012.

Old lovers often re-appear to seek completion. New loves sometimes begin. And always there is a need to go deep within and reclaim the LOVE that is your birthright - the love that illuminates you, simply because you ARE. It is from this love that all is created... so please take the time to honor yourself, these next 2 weeks. You won't get this chance again for 8 years.

Then, on June 3rd, a WHOLE NEW 8 YEAR CYCLE BEGINS!!!  Many new adventures await! Maybe even new Love. Hopefully LOVE in a whole new way. Let's see... it's very exciting. Can you feel it???

Below is an image of the 'geometry' that Venus makes as she orbits the Sun and dances with the Earth, during her 8 year cycle. Notice that she creates what appears to be a FLOWER WITH 5 PETALS. Here she is, the Goddess of love and beauty and harmony and balance. So perfect, isn't she. Sigh. I am in love.

In our Video today, I discuss this cycle more deeply and talk about Venus's call to action:

TO SHARE LOVE, rather than to get love

Very different, those two things. Ponder on that. ;)

I also talk a bit about our New Moon Gemini.

And I end the epic talk with a light conversation about the Nodal Axis moving into Gemini/Sagittarius.

Truly there is SO MUCH I could be talking about... like almost every planet in Retrograde at the moment... or the Venus/Neptune square... or the trine from our New Moon to Saturn and Jupiter and Pluto... or the duality nature of Gemini and her estoeric/exoteric rulerships... phew...

I think this is a good enough place to start.