Uranus Square Saturn : Making Peace with Division


The above image is called “Painting with Houses” by Wassily Kandinsky. It says so much of the divisions that arise during times of social change. Can you feel it? To me, it speaks of progress... how change often comes with a price... and how both sides offer beauty and horror... depending on how you perceive it.

In 1940, a Jewish family in the Netherlands sold this painting for the equivalent of $1,600 USD, to flee Nazi occupation and death. Courts still argue their claim to the piece. Clearly we can say it was wrong the family had to flee, wrong they were in the situation to begin with! And yet social movements have this neglectful way of 'having their way with us', don't they? Just imagine the last few thousands years of colonialism, the trail of tears left in the wake of what at the time was deemed 'progress'.

The collective zeitgeist will always be what it will be, for good or ill. As individuals, we play our part the best we can. There are perpetrators, victims, anarchists, politicians, revolutionaries, profiteers, bureaucrats, criminals, bystanders, heroes and fools. All of us, swept in the swell. Often only TIME reveals the TRUTH of who was on the 'right' side of history and the 'wrong'.... and history, as we know, is written by the victors.

AND all of this is just TALK, isn't it?? Because in that REAL moment of chaos, we're just trying not to fall out of the boat and drown.


Do you remember the December 21st conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, banking the entrance to 2021? How it marked the start of a 200 year thematic cycle of cultural evolution into a more 'collective' consciousnesses? Because of this massive change, none of us really 'know' where we are going yet. We are figuring it out, defining it.

I remember at the beginning of this year a vision came to me... in a dream. I was shown that our collective was in a state of limbo, in an 'in between' place. Having had the ground taken from beneath our feet, we were all of us left unbalanced, trying to find a new sense of 'normal', stretching toward something and unsure what to hold on to.

This year has had this feel to it, has it not? It's all new. NOTHING is the same. And we have no choice but to forge ahead. Making the best of it, railing at the wind.... Each of us walking the walk in our own way.

And clearly not everyone is 'happily moving along'. In fact, as far as I can tell, there is little 'happy compliance' in the collective right now. Because along with the 'newness' of our times, we are also in the grip of an astrological pattern of STRUCTURAL UPHEAVAL. Warring factions, arguments, divisive viewpoints. We are right in the middle of it, right now.

See, on February 17th, we experienced the first of 3 Saturn & Uranus squares that mark the defining astrological theme of 2021, shaping our story.

Right now marks the 2nd of these squares.

December 24th will be our last.

Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus.

This conflict IS REAL and we are all feeling it.

Uranus in Taurus says 'I will fight for my right to survive! You will NOT take my sovereignty from me!'

Saturn in Aquarius says 'We make rules that benefit everyone. We MUST operate as a collective, no matter what. We are in this together.'

Phew. Who's right? Who's wrong?

Today I am sharing this video, exploring ONE way to look at this defining theme of 2021. By sharing my personal story (and this one does get quite personal), I hope it will help you to identify where inside of YOU this divisiveness is playing out, and bring a bit of peace into the division.



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