BE YOURSELF: Eclipse Gate Opens with Anaretic Aries New Moon
Hello Beautiful People.
What a spring!!! The last 4 weeks, since our New Moon at 0° Aries, have been remarkable. We have come Alive. Alight. Aligned. We are here.
Self-FULL-ness, indeed.
And now, we culminate... the RISING WAVE OF SELF will crest... in preparation for a bountiful season of growth.
In the next 24 hours we enter the 2023 Eclipse Gate in an unusual way. Normally Eclipses happen in the same archetypes as the Nodal Axis of the Moon. Todays is different... occurring 'Out of Archetype' at 29° Aries, 5° from the SN/NN in Scorpio/Taurus. Further, this is the SECOND New Moon of Aries we've had within a short time frame - the first being at Aries' initiatory 0° point, and this one at its last half Anaretic degree, 29.5°, book-ending the Archetype. Sun and Moon move to Taurus within hours of the Eclipse... so this is a true culmination point.
Also of note... this is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. I love Eclipse times because they are turning points of our story line. Things are hidden and revealed... mysteriously born and die.. you never know what's going to happen. They say you can't 'SEE' an eclipse until after its done... so it's good to journal, so you can look back and reflect.
The TIME of the eclipse is 12:12am EST on April 20th. Shortly after, ~4:13am EST, Sun moves to 0° Taurus, and Mercury and Uranus are conjunct at 15/17° Taurus... so this eclipse will have a Taurean flavor. Bringing SELF (Aries) into FORM (Taurus), aligning our individuated free-will self (Aries) with its deepest VALUES and sense of WORTH (Taurus), and perhaps allowing intuitive information to drop in regarding our means of productive growth in the next cycle. (Mercury and Uranus conjunct suggests a strong Intuitive Gate relating to money/value/abundance/worth/safety).
However you spin it, this is a potent moment which will surely bring a change in the zeitgeist, a change in the story, and a change in YOU! So ride it. Willingly, fearlessly. Feel it. Enjoy.
Joel Bray’s “Burbang”, Men’s Initiation Ceremony of the Wiradjuri nation. Photo: Pippa Samaya
I am super engaged with my Archetypal Awakening program, so have no more time to expand on this at the moment. But I did record a short video yesterday, if you are interested. Here it is below.
Oh by the way.. if you are interested in learning to embody the archetypes, developing a psycho-spiritual relationship with them, and going DEEEEP with a group of gorgeous awakening beauties in the process? Consider joining this community that is building! We are off to a blazing start. Transformation City', as my mentor Debra Silverman would say. We'd love to have you... send me an email response to this newsletter and I'll share more. :)
Now... a few Eclipse questions to ruminate on, if you desire...
1. If you were to radically accept your individuated self, exactly as you are, and declare your uniqueness from this point onward, what would you SAY? What DECLARATION OF SELF might you speak??? Put it into a sentence... write it out. Speak and say WHO YOU ARE. Be brave. Feel it. Be it. This is the time. 29° Aries... culmination of self.
2. If you want to move forward in your life, manifest your worth and embody yourself entirely while doing it... consider what is the VALUE that is yours alone? What is the VALUE you put into the world?? I believe the value we offer is commensurate to the value we receive... and that exactly what we ARE is what we are supposed to be. Call me radical, but in the Spiritual Economy that I have been shown, Individuated Alignment is the fastest way to personal abundance - and personal abundance is based on YOUR specific requirements as a soul. It is NOT to be found through comparison, envy or jealousy. So with Taurus Uranus/Mercury conjunct, and Jupiter near this New Moon, receive information on what your UNIQUE VALUE is... your unique contribution... your gifts... your resources.
3. Finally, there is the question of RECEIVING. Ah, Taurus. You teach us so well to receive!! Are you a willing vessel, in full acceptance of your unique place in the cosmos? Can you be filled up with that??? Can you TRUST RADICALLY in life? That reality has your back, that you are enough, and that you can have anything you authentically desire... as long as that desire belongs to YOU? Can you FEEL YOUR NEEDS AND ALLOW THEM TO BE MET?? Do you feel WORTHY???
Use the tension of envy/lack/unworthiness to bring you back to your SELF today... to that 29° Aries SELF-FULL-NESS... and don't be afraid to let those 'bad' feelings collapse you. Because right underneath them? Ah, there is your worthiness!!! See, all of those aberrant expressions of self were just moments in time programed by comparison or self-criticism or jealousy, moments when you separated from your authentic worthiness and thus recorded a 'hit' to your reality. To unwind them, feel them. Heal them. Say YES to yourself completely. No shame. Trust me - your worth is innate and it's right there waiting for you. Every soul on this earth is enough, just as they are. The trick is radical alignment, radical self-acceptance, radical YES, and resulting radical self-sovereignty. So... May this eclipse be a moment in time to help you with that. :)
BE YOURSELF. Feel it, Know it, Embody it. Value begets Value, perfectly shaped to fulfill YOUR needs.
In the words of the great Danny Tenaglia, one of the best House DJS to walk the earth,
"Be yourself. Be yourself. Be yourself.
And no one else....
You're something special."
Have a listen: Danny Tenaglia/Celeda - Be Yourself
Have fun, guys. This is a powerful eclipse and new moon... play play, enjoy.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, Stephanie Dobbins