Taurus New Moon: A Realistic Begining
Obiora Udechukwu, Our Journey, 1993
5 planets in Taurus and a huge T-Square between Jupiter/Mercury, Mars, and Pluto??... with both Mars and Pluto square the 4°Taurus/Scorpio Nodal Axis??? Wow. Today is quite a day.
Choice, Will, Power and TENSION set the stage for our 28°Taurus New Moon occurring Friday morning at 11:53am EST.
With Sun/Moon sextile Neptune and trine Pluto, the lunation we are about to enter is not rooted in 'normal' Taurean pursuits of material comforts and pleasure. When the outer planets are involved, higher self is invited to the mix whether we like it or not. If attached to our ego, the lunation may be rocky. If happily ensconced in transpersonal alignment, the lunation may be fruitful. For higher self and lower self rarely see eye to eye, and this classic Battle Royall has been a pervading theme through this past months Eclipse Gate (as Pluto squared the NM eclipse at 29°Aries and Uranus took center stage at FM Eclipse, 15°Scorpio.)
Sudden changes, massive evolutionary shifts, a tangible invitation to choose alignment over egoic patterning...
There has been A LOT OF SOUL GROWTH over these past 6 weeks!!! Have you felt it?
Hubble Telescope,Virgo Constellation
The eclipse gate was hard for me because I had to face old karmic stories I thought I had dealt with. I got so angry at myself, at times. Surely I had worked hard to get past this!!?
Over the years that I have been on this planet I have come to understand that a key component of humility is the acceptance that consciousness is an ever refining dance. That the 'spiral of evolution' is exactly that - a spiral.
We return, again and again, to a familiar point on our karmic wheel... hopefully a little higher each time... hopefully choosing with renewed precision... hopefully hopping over pot holes rather than falling into them.
Sometimes this is painful, usually it is sobering... and always it is strengthening...
As we stretch toward the Sun of Source, returning home.
Return to the Source, Billka (Music Track: https://youtu.be/zC1UHLQGR_A)
At this point, with this New Moon, I feel it is important to acknowledge that old habits and identities DO NOT define us... and they are NOT descriptive of our worth.
There is, in fact, a DEEPER level of worth that is intrinsic to our soulful self.
The human part is always a gong show, one way or another. But WORTH??? VALUE??? That is a stable, strong underlying current... a consistent 'OM' that exists beneath karmic prattle.
And that is what Taurus calls us to.
Our inner 'OM'.
From there we quite naturally...
live life aligned with what matters most
simplify to basic, nourishing necessity
move from ground anchored in reality
This is not a dramatic New Moon, not fireworks or whoops of delight. Rather it speaks of quiet stability and authentic inner connection to the divine that we are. A new foundation upon which to stand.
Some reflection points to consider, coming out of the eclipse gate:
What have you learned about what MATTERS to you?
What CHOICES have you been asked to make, about who you are and how you are going to live your life?
How has your relationship with your body changed, or with those around you, or with the material world of your understanding?
Can you touch into a new feeling of authenticity? Or inner security? What does this feel like?
What words would you choose to describe the foundation of your reality... the fundamental ground of your being?
Please take a moment, if you can, to share with me. I cherish your emails.
All my love,
Dimitra Milan