New Moon Cancer and Pluto square the Nodal Axis: A Whole New Me, A Whole New You
Big Art Bigger Change, Lula Goce
Monday the 17th at 2:32:48 pm EST brings Moon and Sun together for an extremely esoteric and transformational New Moon at 24° Cancer, while in direct aspect to THREE Transpersonal planets!! The Moon's True Nodes shift to 29° Libra/Aries (the Mean Nodes changed a week ago), creating a perfect Grand Cardinal Cross with Pluto and Sun/Moon square the Nodal Axis.
This is a massive New Moon Event. A pivotal moment. It may not announce itself with fireworks and bagpipes... as Cancer/Taurus/Pisces/Capricorn is a muted and quiet Earth/Water vibe. Yet there is something going on under the surface of this Lunar Cycle and I wonder if you're feeling it.
I am.
I have been waiting for this for months.
And the change that is being 'planted' at this New Moon gate? It is building up to REVEAL itself on July 22nd... when the EXACT Pluto/Node square happens, joined by Sun at 29° of Cancer also setting off the square!!
Seriously... July 22nd. Watch that day. FEEL that day. It's a big one for us.
Transformation city. Coming HOME to a deeper YOU. A deeper ME. And hopefully... a deeper sense of our GALACTIC FAMILY.
2 Hours after our New Moon… 4:37pm EST… note Nodal Shift!
So... I am including a 20 min video to talk through this.
I am also including a video that Sarah L'hrar and I recorded about 1.5 months ago, on this topic.
AND I am including a link to an Instagram live that I gave earlier this morning, about this lunation. Please excuse the brief technological disruption from that Instagram drop. :)
If you're curious, have a look... :)
Okay... now I'm going to RIFF about this. First, emotional/intuitive. Second, Astrological.
A little unedited, a little verbose. Read it, don't read it. Take this or leave this. They are my thoughts.
Nebra Sky Disc, Bronze disc depicting the Sun, Moon and stars, c. 1600 BC
Essentially, I feel this time we are in is INITIATING us into deeper and more spiritual levels of personal identity (Cancer) that will enable us to evolve to a higher level of consciousness (Neptune/Uranus/Pluto).
This time is asking us to come HOME to the SELF in a new way, to radically transform our personal identity (Cancer opposite Pluto), and to see/know/feel that this new identity lives IN THE BODY (Uranus in Taurus), in the reality itself, no matter how painful that reality feels itself to be (Pluto). We are being invited to realize/know/believe (Neptune) that we are always spiritually safe, and that we are guided and cared for more than we can possibly know (Neptune). That our "HOME" is the universe itself, and that we are welcome there any time. That we are allowed to IDENTIFY AS BEING PART OF THE UNIVERSAL FAMILY, the HUMAN FAMILY, and, as such, to KNOW we are allowed to feel our feels, be who we came here to be, and realize our connection to all things.
Ha. Simple right? ;)
I feel this is a big deal and that we should honor it as such.
Today at 2:30pm EST ask yourself: What is the CHANGE that is happening in me, right now? What is the FUTURE I am stepping into? What is my DREAM for myself, for us all? What am I FEELING is ready to really transform??? AND EVOLVE?? Can I name it? Feel it? OWN IT?
Whatever 'change' it takes to walk you through the fire and temper your soul-self into True Power? That's what you'll get now. The level of transformation being asked of us goes so deep, it touches the rawest and most personal parts of us. All we have to do is go into 'presence' - go still, breath, still the mind, and listen. And let it happen.
These days, every time I go into 'presence', there is this voice and presence which continuously affirms I am supported and cared for. I am worthy and loved. I am okay. I am WAAAAAY bigger than the dream I have been consciously dreaming. I am solid, grounded and real.
dream_vs_reality, Arabinda Samanta
Now... Here is how I'm thinking about this, astrologically... If you are interested. This is LOOOOONG. And also somewhat un-edited.
1. First, the Cardinal Grand Cross is a spiritual discipleship signature. Cardinal Energy, at its best, is like a strong and supple COSMIC SPINE... the backbone of reality. It provides the integrity we need to be a responsible builder of self/family/relationship/society. Cardinal Cross people are ready to do the hard thing, to take lead and initiate change. They run businesses, families, communities. They are powerful leaders. This particular Grand Cross, with the transpersonals playing a strong part, may indicate we are being initiated into 'the next level up' on our own spiritual leadership. This is not 'small' responsibility, and understanding the gravity of this moment is helpful.
To make this more accessible, this influence may feel like a voice in you that says "your choices ripple beyond this moment... so take the high road and live life like the future matters... you are building it with every heartbeat."
2. Second, Pluto square the Nodes indicates the collective is going through an evolutionary turning point in 2023, a radical confrontation between past and future, and an invitation to jump faithfully (albeit blindly) into the unknown. Add this New Moon as counterweight to that Pluto square and we are in a Lunar Cycle that is going to bring this possibly previously unconscious CHOICE clearly into our conscious awareness.
In other words, what may have only been FELT will now be KNOWN. Or... This shit is getting real.
The Pluto square will be at 'exact 90°' on July 22nd, yet has been impacting us since April when Pluto ingressed to 0° Aquarius and squared the 25° degree Scorpio/Taurus Nodes. Now, with Pluto and the Nodes are at 29° of Cardinal signs, we seem to be finishing the prior 15 year Pluto in Capricorn cycle.
In my opinion, this feels like our last chance to sync our integrity and personal sovereignty with HIGHER authority, rather than authority of tribe/family/society and lower self.
To review archetypes, remember Capricorn rules Hierarchical Authority. For many, this 'hierarchy' is 'man-made' and 'man-sanctioned'. Yet higher order Capricorn understands there are both a HORIZONTAL AUTHORITY AXIS and a VERTICAL AUTHORITY AXIS that we can choose to reference reality from.
Referencing on the HORIZONTAL AXIS means we look outward, at others, at society, at institutions and government, to define who we are and how we live. We defer to man-made forms and we 'tow the line' to keep these structures intact. THIS is what's been falling apart, since 2008.
Referencing on the VERTICAL AXIS means we look INSIDE, to our divine line, to find our personal/spiritual integrity. And by thus doing we acknowledge and prioritize our relationship with the divine, with SOURCE CREATOR and Universal Law, in order to KNOW what is TRUE for us and what is best for our lives. We honor spiritual sovereignty, higher will, alignment with SOURCE, and our responsibility to act from this place in order to create a society BASED on this level of leadership.
VERY IMPORTANT: Leading from alignment means we prioritize the WORK required to BE in alignment, and that takes an enormous amount of DISCIPLINE. That is why Capricorn rules Discipleship and Integrity: Because a DISCIPLE is one who understands they are an INSTRUMENT for the divine, and as such they must keep their instrument 'in tune'. It takes hard work and focus to be in alignment. That is Capricorn's promise. It will climb to that Mountain Top of Integrity no matter what.
So... this square to the Nodes indicates a Turning Point in the evolutionary story of Humanity... the more individuals who choose to prioritize their sovereign vertical alignment over the horizontal, the more likely the collective will 'tip' in that direction.
Evolution Man, source unknown
3. Third, the Nodes shifting to Libra/Aries is asking us to trust ourselves, trust our autonomy, trust our authentic self, and to ACT BRAVELY AS THAT SELF in all areas of our life (NN Aries). We are here for a reason - we are who we came here to be - so stop compromising (SN Libra).
4. And lastly, the tight aspects to the Transpersonal Planets is pivotal to this lunation. The Transpersonal Planets ARE the spiritualization planets... they invite higher self, individuation, spiritual connection and SOUL POWER into this New Moon. They invite the CANCER part of us - our personal identity, the little ME, the separate self - to identify with the greater part of us... and make it comfortable for us to do so.
Remember that the transpersonals can operate in different ways, depending on what part of us is in the drivers seat.
First, to our personality, they may feel traumatic. Our lower self experiences trans-personals as traumatic because lower self wants to hold on to its reality... while the transpersonals are trying to get it to relax and dissolve that reality into something greater... and some egos (well, most egos) will find that somewhat painful.
Second, the transpersonal planets invite an experience of HEALING the trauma of separation. As egoic self relaxes into the transpersonals, it finds a way bigger identity is available that essentially negates its earlier identification with pain. This feels like healing. :) In reality, it's just waking up.
Third, the transpersonals invite us to experience WHOLEing. Or WHOLENESS. As our lower and higher self merge and unite, we become the WHOLENESS of our upper and lower self united. With lower storm quelled and higher authority in place, our WHOLE SYSTEM comes into coherence and we begin to tap into higher currents of universal information and reality.
Dreamer of the Ways, Dan Hillier
Okay... that is a LOT of information. I'm spent. :)
To close, this is a climactic moment for 2023. This New Moon is offering a chance to redefine who we are, as human beings.
So let's do it, baby.
I pushed 3 small humans out of my vagina in this lifetime... and I'm willing to push a fourth.
Cosmic Baby me, be born.
Mother and Child, Dan Hillier