Daria Hlazatova

Moon School 2023 : Tuning to New Earth

Come together to learn Moon Magic during the first Lunar Cycle of 2023, a year promising great change on Earth Gaia.

Humanity is facing change, and 2023 marks a strong entry to a new evolutionary cycle. Our consciousness is at an inflection point… and we each have a choice to make.


We continue to believe in the myth of separation: that we are separate from nature and each other


We come to know that we are ONE with nature, we are one with each other, and reality is benevolent and loving.

When we live in unity consciousness, we take care of ourselves and each other. How could we not? We are ONE, after all. In higher dimensional awareness, there is no ability to ‘harm’ the ‘other’ the way there is in separative consciousness. There IS no other!!! So it just doesn’t make sense.

While this may sound idealistic, a clear vision of this coming ‘choice’ is the precious gift I received from spirit in 2022. My work is thus taking on qualities of this mission: to help us know that this choice is there so we can step into unity when we are ready.

MOON MAGIC is a practice that facilitates unity consciousness by teaching us to feel our connection to natural cycles. By illuminating practical, simple ways to tune into this most intimate of all the ‘natural rhythms’, the Lunar Cycle, we learn to feel and trust the energy available to us. We learn to co-create with nature, to deepen our trust, and to ignite our faith. It’s like finding a friend that always wanted to have, who will never abandon you and who always has your best interest at heart.

Month after month, we gently come to know we are held by life, it supports our growth, and reality is safe and loving.

So… I hope you will choose to join me for MOON SCHOOL this January!!

For the 4 weeks of the Aquarius Lunar Cycle we will meet every Friday for 90-120 minutes, 8-10pm EST.

Friday January 20th, January 27th, February 3rd and February 10th.

Then, during the Pisces lunation we will continue to meet for shortened periods to anchor in the learning and follow the 2nd phase together.

The first series of 4 meetings are recorded, the second series are casual and drop in only. Timing of the 2nd series of meetings will be discussed later.

Please read on for more details… registration is now open.

So… What is ‘MOON MAGIC’??

A few years back, I began to work with Moon Magic.

I thought: She pulls the Oceans tides, surely she can pull mine!

Besides, humans have revered her through the ages - dreamed within her cycles, worshiped her through rituals, celebrated her in ceremonies, espoused her in mythology... surely she warrants deeper inquiry.

So I studied ancient wisdom, Indigenous traditions, mythology, astrological lore...

I took notes and tracked progress in Moon journals...

I attended monthly New Moon circles with a group of kindred friends, under the starry sky...

And you know what I learned?

I learned that, by working within the rhythmic cycle of Luna Moon, I could facilitate the manifestation of my soul's most precious dreams.

Every. Single. Time.

Be it the dream to transform or elevate my consciousness... to deepen into relationship... to increase my abundance... whatever the heart-centered wish, casting it correctly within the natural undulation of Luna's form amplifies our ability to create, by teaching us to CO-create!

So… personal inquiry birthed a collective experience and MOON SCHOOL launched in 2020 as a way to share this lore. There were tears, laughter... and each who attended was amazed at how linking their energy to this greater cycle was not only transformative but FELT REALLY GOOD!! It was like suddenly they weren't alone in the Universe. There was a higher meaning, a purpose. Something MAGICAL and REAL.

Personally, I was amazed at how the group energy amplified everything. It felt more powerful than when I followed the cycle on my own.

But please don't take my word for it... feedback was generous.

"Being a part of the lunar cycle group was one of the most rewarding times in my life."

"I had no idea how rewarding and calming the lunar class would be but, with each phase of the moon and class, I learned something new about Mother Earth and myself. The first class I was hooked!"

"It provided me with community when I needed it most, as well as a deeper understanding of the ebbs and flows in life."

Daria Hlazatova

Moon School 2023: Tuning to New Earth

Launching January 20th 2023, at the New Moon of Aquarius!

Please join us me at this entry point of 2023. Let’s come together and vision ourselves and our collective in our highest potential!

Investment is $227 for 8 weeks, first 4 instructional, second 4 casual/supportive

In the first four consecutive Friday classes we will:

  • Learn a clear TEMPLATE FOR EVOLUTION that you can use for the rest of your life... step by step, every single month, consistent and true.  She is, after all, the most reliable calendar on earth.

  • Learn the 8 LUNAR PHASES: What each means and how to work with it.

  • Learn the importance of ACTIVITY (Yang) and RECEPTIVITY (Yin) in the lunar cycle.

  • Learn the proper RHYTHM of manifestation, creating from a sense of balance vs. overwhelm.

  • Learn how to feel the Moon’s energy in your body.

  • Learn to recognize how your higher self communicates to your conscious self.

  • Learn to connect with natural power… and your innate power.

  • Learn the value of patience and consistency in the evolutionary process.

  • Learn what times of the year are best for what kind of magic.

  • Learn proper phrasing, as words are spells and each one matters.

You will receive:

  • 4 live 1.5 hour Zoom classes, taught by Sara.

  • Lunar Cycle ‘Cheat Sheet’ artwork that you can print and frame near your alter.

  • PDFs describing each phase.

  • Video recordings of each class.

  • An Aquarius Lunar Cycle Calendar for tracking progress.

  • A connection with the most intimate natural cycle available to us Earthlings.

Daria Hlazatova

In sum? Moon Magic can literally help our dreams come true. Current and future.

Please come… learn to commune by the light of the Moon

Moon School Registration, 5 weeks through November/December 2023: $207

Classes will run from 3:00pm to 4:30pm EST, each consecutive Sunday from November 12th through December 3rd, with a Bonus Class on Dec 10th.

After registration, you will receive an email confirmation with meeting link within 24-48 hours. Thank you for your patience.

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Daria Hlazatova