IN TO ME I SEE : New Moon Scorpio

brandon boyd

brandon boyd

DEEP PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT. That's the theme of this weekends New Moon, occurring aound 12 midnight EST on Sunday November 15th.

And so marks 2020's 'denouement'.

Before we talk the New Moon, let's acknowledge the impact of the current Pluto/Jupiter conjunction (exact degree today). While this final pass of Jupiter to Pluto in Capricorn does herald the end of the 2020 astrological year and associated shenanigans, our friend Jupiter is still hard at work breaking POWER PARADIGMS at warp speed. Completely OBLITERATING them, in fact!!

Let's just be clear - this is not simple to walk through. You may feel exhausted. You may not even know who you are at the moment. You may feel discombobulated, confused… discordant. And at some level, you may also feel you are being re-born... though into 'what' may not be clear. From sheer lack of knowing what else to do, you may try to grab on to something once familiar… only to realize it feels so WRONG and BAD that you must drop it immediately.


The best thing to do now is let go and trust. Deeply FEEL who you are, your internal integrity. This tension, this INTEGRITY, is what will carry you forward.

Om Prakash Sharma

Om Prakash Sharma

Segueing perfectly to this weekend's New Moon of Scorpio, in brilliant sextile to the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction and trine to Neptune in Pisces, this Lunation declares:

"Plugged deeply into source, you CAN TRUST YOURSELF to go all the way to the bottom of who you are... to take stock of all the changes... and to rest in who you are now becoming. You are the dreamer. The creator. And the one in control."

melanie rivers

melanie rivers

Finding the ground of being within is a powerful declaration of sovereignty this weekend, particularly in light of the soon receding cycle of 2020. We will soon cross to a new Archetypal tone, as December 21st brings Jupiter and Saturn together at 0 degrees of Aquarius. The next few years may immerse us in a sense of collective responsibility... and limitation. Over the next year to 2 years, a number of 'themes' may arise...


  • We may feel inclined to engage with groups of Brothers and Sisters, building together based on common dreams and values.

  • We also may feel that, at times, the collective's power threatens to usurp individual rights.

  • There may be an explosion of counter-cultural ideas and actions, prompting uprisings and generating GROUP ACTIVITY.

  • There also may be a clamp down on freedom, as efforts to CONTROL the collective and CONTAIN it (Saturn) express on the world stage.

Whatever the case, this next cycle will require the very best of us. After all, the secret of Aquarius lies in Leo - for it is from the FULLNESS OF SELF that we contribute to the best Collective Good.

So this weekend begins to set the stage for what lies beyond 2020's gate.

IN TO ME I SEE = INTIMACY. And Intimacy is Scorpio's Jam.

On this beautiful calm and regenerative weekend, take the opportunity to REST and consolidate the evolution you've come through in 2020, to DECLARE who you have become as a result, and STEP IN to your future as powerfully as possible.

Let the alchemy do its work. Ride this moment by declaring PERSONAL POWER, ALIGNMENT and STRENGTH.

A re-fuel pit stop for the soul.

These are themes of this time.

Video below, if you are inclined. 20 min.

Blessings, Sara


Soltice Magic: What is the New Age of Aquarius??


Stalwart Holy Soldier: Full Moon Aries Conjunct Chiron