Stalwart Holy Soldier: Full Moon Aries Conjunct Chiron

-Autumn Sky

-Autumn Sky

Today, October 1 2020, at 5pm EST, the Moon conjunct Chiron opposes the Sun at 9 degrees of Aries and Libra. A powerful Full Moon calling us to FREEDOM (Aries), as painful as that might be.  Preparing us, perhaps, to meet the 'OTHER' (Libra Sun) in humility and authentic power. Asking us, perhaps, to ready arms and stand as stalwart soldiers on this human ascension journey we are dreaming.

The Video is 15 minutes and details the esoteric meaning of Chiron, including the MECHANICS of why the Chiron 'pain' is so excruciating.

Essentially, CHIRON provides the pain of humility that draws higher self into form. As we die to our self, we die to the divine. Again and again, until we are free.

There are forces beyond our control at the moment: things that pull us.

Awkward sharp edges.

Responsibilities, judgments, relationships, expectations, rules, structures, bureaucracies.

We stand before them helpless. Weakened.

Humbled. Scared.

Today asks us to stand firm in that weakness. Not to run from it. Rather stand IN THAT PAIN.

It asks us if we can see that our PAIN might actually be our STRENGTH.
For the acquiescence of self - before the other, before the system, before our own need - THIS is how we die. And are reborn.

So the PAIN of losing our sense of SELF – it really is okay.
Today it is okay.

  • It is okay to feel the longing to be alone and to be strong.

  • It is okay to feel the longing to be with the other.

  • It is okay to feel the pain of our current world situation.

  • It is okay to cry over the loss of the security we have grown up inside of.

  • It is okay to mourn what we seem to be losing.

  • It is okay to feel scared and weak.

  • It is okay to have no answers.

It is okay.

And today it is also okay to TRUST YOUR SELF. To know YOU have your back. That YOU are safe to be YOU.

You are your destiny. You are your purpose.

And that self that you are, you can share it. It is triumphant. Even in its imperfection.

ESPECIALLY in its pain.


Our Full Moon today says: 'How deeply can you be what you are? How brave, bright and strong? Humble and direct? Focused and clear? How much can you stand to BEEE???'

Enjoy the celebration.


-Autumn Sky

-Autumn Sky


IN TO ME I SEE : New Moon Scorpio


Immaculate Will: Virgo New Moon and Mars Retrograde