Inestimable Love - Venus Out of Bounds

What if I was to tell you that this moment is one we have been waiting for, our entire lives. As the collapse of our structured reality settles in dust beneath our feet, we draw toward a place of CENTRAL REPOSE. Of receptive calm. No longer distracted, we are solitary. Stalwart and poised. And we are invited to something special. An opportunity to RE-WIRE our relationship with our SELF, with our LIFE, and with EACH OTHER.

An opportunity to RE-WIRE our relationship with LOVE.

And I can prove it.

Got your attention?

Please... I beg you. Read on. This is SO important. And you won't find this on many astrologers radars... this topic is a particularly personal interest of mine, as I was born with this rare configuration and have studied it deeply.

I believe we have a once in a lifetime opportunity, right now. And it is up to YOU to discern for yourself, my gentle friends. All I can do is share my knowing with you, in genuine offering.


There is something special happening in our celestial environment... impacting precious planet E.

A little understood phenomenon, wherein an inner planet travels briefly OUT OF BOUNDS.

See, every once in a while one of the personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus) will traverse outside its normal range of orbit. When it does this, its impact on the collective offers us the ability to experience its archetype in ways that go BEYOND what we would normally feel.

Whatever is 'status quo', an OUT OF BOUNDS cycle will blow it asunder. It takes the staid, tried and true; the comfortable, stable and known; and expands it to something altogether... UNPREDICTABLE.

Since about April 3rd, VENUS, our goddess of love, art and beauty, of balance, justice and harmony, has been moving farther and farther Out of Bounds. Beginning with gentle subtlety, She is now in a range which is far from the norm. I won't bore with technicalities, but please know this week and until about May 18th, Venus offers a rare gift.

And if we listen, we may be irrevocably altered.

(Note: She will be Out of Bounds until early June, but her farthest orbit lasts these next 4 weeks.)

So what does this mean?

Right now there is available to each of us an invitation to EXPAND OUR HORIZON OF LOVE. To re-build our known container. If we offer ourselves to her, she will fill our cup with more than we could imagine. If we are willing to receive.

For here is the blessing of Venus - she is an attractor field. She is substance. She is energy. She is life itself. Shakti. Beauty. Elegance. Grace. She HOLDS US as we hold her. She is the feminine divine. She is love and the perfection of expression, internal and external. She is both INNER LOVE, as experienced through Taurus, and OUTER LOVE, as experienced through Libra. And above all she is BEAUTIFUL. Beckon her in, welcome her to your door, and you will sip the sweetest nectar ever imagined. And right now, that nectar is so abundant - it is like a waterfall of golden light. Pushing gently at your crown, at your legs, at the bottom of your feet. And most importantly, at your heart.

And like attracts like, my friends. Like attracts like. So even though now you are alone, when this beauty fills you it will change you forever. And when you step outside, as this comes to a close, you will have metamorphosed into something altogether new. Something that life will speak to in an entirely new way. Something capable of receiving new gifts, new wonders and new delights.

Will you take the leap?

Sometimes it is painful to look toward love... because we encounter scar tissue and vulnerability and fear, surrounding our heart. For we have all had heartbreak and trauma. We have all abandoned our selves, at one time or another. And we are ALL lonely. Every single one of us.

But if we have the courage to ASK, to OPEN, and to be CRACKED WILD AND BROKEN... FEELING WHAT IS REALLY THERE... we will find HER. Ready to embrace us. NOW.

This is our chance to redefine our relationship with our SELF and with LIFE. To explore deeply the uncharted exterior range of our ability to feel/comprehend/connect with/ and embody - LOVE.


Love. Pure and simple. Whatever it means to you! For some, it is love of Earth. For others, the love of God. For many, it is love of another - a child, a spouse, a beloved. And others still, it is love of self. Love is not fickle - it matters. And it is an energy that wants to move in us. To embody us, to BE us, to partner in delight.  Wherever Venus is transiting in your birth chart right now, here lies a clue to how this abundance is offering itself, like pennies from heaven.

So please... for Gods sake... LOVE. Invoke it. Delight in it. SAY YES TO IT. Light a candle for it. Say a prayer. Open up!!! You will never again have this moment... so allow. ALLOW. Receive. And expand. And when this is over, your limits will be new... the landscape, rediscovered. And the BOUNDS REDEFINED. For ever more.

Friday is Freya's day, the Venus of Norse Mythology. So Friday is the perfect day to create a Venus alter and offer yourself to Love. To light a flame for this moment in time. For the love of your life. I hope you take the time for that, and for the next month. To invite her and notice how she dances around your broken edges.

“Believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance, and have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.”

— Rilke

Blessings, and please... send me your love stories! Or post them on our Facebook page. And if you want to talk more about this, about your personal chart, I am taking a few clients. Reach out to me. I am here.
