A Gift Disguised: New Moon Aries, March 24 2020


What just happened.

World wide panic? House arrest disguised as quarantine? Global financial collapse?

If you've been following astrology this past year, you'll have heard again and again about the coming 'collapse of the patriarchy' and inevitable 'restructuring of our social system'. But who could have imagined it would come in the guise of a global pandemic?  I sure couldn't.

But here we are.

This is NOT a time for the meak. And this is NOT a time for spiritual platitudes. Clearly there is an enormous amount of suffering going on. Just as there always is, truly. But it is somehow more present at the moment... more GLOBAL. None of us can hide or pretend it is not real. We have all been stopped in our tracks.

After all, this society is a god damned rat race on the best of days. A treadmill to no where. A race with no finish line.

And now we have no where to go shopping.

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In today's Newsletter I discuss 2 celestial themes influencing our NOW, collectively, at this New Moon.

First I discuss Aries. And then, Capricorn. 

Both are relevant.

Let's start with Aries.

The NEW MOON occurs at 4 degrees Aries, at approximately 5am EST on March 24 2020. And it happens conjunct Chiron, the great wounded healer, who has been square to the nodal axis since January and who has been offering a COLLECTIVE SPIRITUAL TURNING POINT in humanity's evolution (for those willing to step into it.)

Aries is the archetype of Primal Essence and BEingness. Pure WILL, instinctual SELF, the freedom and right to EXIST. And this right is being threatened right now, isn't it? Many of us are afraid we will NOT exist, in short order.

Recall that a few months back it was easy to look out and 'poo poo' the misdeeds of the government as they imprisoned 4 year old children in concentration camps at the Mexican/US border. It was fairly mindless to whisper 'shame on them' as the 'powers that be' again bailed out the non-renewable fossil fuel industry with billions of dollars in investment. And it was titillating to gasp in 'shock and awe' as the continent of Australia burned and more than a billion animals were BBQd thanks our OUR misuse of this beautiful planet.

Clearly we can't 'poo poo' from an armchair any longer.

There is not a soul on earth who could not be effected by this Pandemic. It is a visible and immediate threat of death.

And while there may be greater threats to our survival (er, global warming), they are not 'immediate' and are thus easier to ignore. So life has conspired in our favor to WAKE US UP. To force us to  SEE OUR REALITY. To REALIZE OUR VULNERABILITY. To FACE DEATH. To CHOOSE LIFE.

No more treadmill to nowhere. No more rat race with no finish line. We will face our fear of death, our fear of vulnerability, our fear of who we are and how we are living. We will STOP and take stock of what matters to us, what is worth living for.

Is it that Mercedes Benz? That fantasy boyfriend? Is it that promotion at Corporate Office?

When these stupid trinkets of personal desire are removed, there is no where to hide. We have to face our SELF. And if we don't, our dear Mother may flick us off of her as surely as we flick off a mosquito in the heat of the summer.

THIS is Chiron in Aries, square the Nodal Axis... and conjunct our New Moon. Spiritualize or die, my friends. Wake up or stay asleep. (Okay I'm getting a little excited... but seriously. It's down to the line. And I know you guys can take it.)

This is a CRISIS IN ACTION. Inviting us to awaken to what really MATTERS, to come home to our HEART AND SOUL, to leave behind the structures that need to die. Just to even realize that they CAN die is miraculous!! When forced to live without, amazing how quick we see how little we need. Life goes on, and perhaps better than we've ever imagined.

And yes, this will pass. Surely it will. As Aries progresses into Aquarius at the end of March, as Venus moves out of bounds and shines her bright loving light on us all as we move into the summer... as 2020 closes shop. We will all move on.

But hopefully, and at the very least, we will have realized we have the collective power to change the status quo.... at a moments notice. So that when we REALLY come up against the realities of global climate change and the ensuing threat it will present, we will be willing to take action.

And that brings me to point #2. Capricorn.

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Clearly this current cycle is a continuation of the Pluto/Saturn alignment that occurred in January, as Pluto, Mars and Jupiter remain conjunct in the archetype of the great disciple, Ms. Capricorn.

And lest we forget : the deepest esoteric meaning of the great Capricorn cycle of 2020 is about aligning with AUTHENTIC POWER.

Have we not been realizing the false 'gods' we've given our power to (money, government, 'the man', the patriarch, the corporation, the border, the university degree, the religious institution, the law) are NOT infallible? Do we not see that the structures we have carefully crafted have taken us to a tipping point of global environmental and social destruction? Yup.

Sooo.... Here we stand. Trying to take our power back.

But what is POWER?

In the OLD version of Capricorn, power was authority and dominance. It was hierarchical right. It was POWER OVER, 'MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY', GRAB IT BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE GETS IT, 'BUCK UP AND TAKE IT LIKE A MAN', and MONEY TALKS.

But that is not the true essence of CAPRICORN.

See, Capricorn is actually a FEMININE archetype. Though usurped by the Patriarchy and 'corporatized', in her essence she is like a circle of grandmothers who come together to make choices for the collective based on years of deep experiential wisdom. Choices that enable all to flourish long into the future, that take into consideration the sacred balance of nature, the beauty of children, the importance of communal health and wellness.

And in more modern terms, Capricorn is like a collective of wise leaders, women and men alike, who come together to find measured and clear solutions to HUGE global issues that threaten everyone's security. She is people the globe over collaborating to support the highest good of the entire collective, and the earth upon which we live.  She is walls coming down, boundaries disintegrating, and the 'illusion' of separation falling away as we cooperate and collaborate in an attempt to secure safety, liberty and health of our children and our communities.

It is, in essence, she is our reaction to this PANDEMIC.

So this astrological moment is conspiring in our favor, it seems. Individually and collectively. Bringing us to a tipping point by forcing us to STOP and go within, finding alignment with something more authentic than the 'rat race' allows us to imagine. It is helping us be empowered in a way we've perhaps never been before. And, god forbid, it is giving us some time to go still and to connect to our essential self.

How will you play this New Moon? This time of quarantine? How will you fill your hours? While Netflix is a captivating distraction, have you thought of meditation? Study? Connection to an online community? Have you thought of creativity? A new passionate hobby? A book? Time in nature? Stop and consider, for a moment, who you really want to be, going forward. You have a chance to change right now. A chance to re-organize your reality, to re-align your will force. To set goals for yourself that will bring you into the future.

Or you can run to the grocery store, stock up on TP, and spend hours watching CNN.

It's your choice. Free will abounds.

In today's video, I talk about this New Moon from a bit more of an Esoteric perspective, as is my personal interest. The video is about 20 minutes and I get into the meaning of Chiron and how this New Moon can be used to further ourselves spiritually. Have a look, if you are inclined.

If not, please take a few moments to consider and reflect on WHO YOU WANT TO BE THIS YEAR. What your goals are. And what you are really willing to fight for. I'll be you might surprise yourself.

May this Aries New Moon beckon you into your SELF in a powerfully aligned and courageous way!

Blessings on this magical day.