Serving the Sacred Self : New Moon Leo


BANG. Our Lunar Cycle is off to a fiery start, with a stellium of Leo Sun/Moon/Mercury trine to impetuous Mars in Aries. But don't be fooled - this fire is NOT untended, nor unbounded. Mars is tightly squared to Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter in Capricorn, keeping this interant freedom lover in check. Though we collectively battle for our RIGHT TO BE, we do so in deep negotiation with the structures that bind us, internally and externally.

As it should be.

For fire, when untended, goes either OUT or OUT OF CONTROL. The chimney must be swept, the fire pit well dug, the coals and logs carefully tended.

Now don't get me wrong - we ARE fighting for our lives here. For our very freedom. We fight the Good Fight. But as anyone with Mars in Aries knows, this youthful warrior can run out of steam quickly. Tends to 'blow his load', to frame it crudely. (As I have Mars in Aries, I'm allowed to be self-deprecating...).

Being tempered by Grandmother Capricorn's wisdom and depth, sobriety and self-control, may be exactly what our impulsive knave needs to focus his will on long term sustainable CHANGE!!

As long as Capricorn is RESPONSIVE. As long as Capricorn  puts self-righteousness aside and looks to big results that benefit the whole.

And that's a big 'if', isn't it?

So... the 'FIGHT'? It is indeed imperative, at this moment in history, that we grow into ourselves in a powerful new way. That we do not cower or give in to old forms. Old habits. Old ways. That we truly align with what we KNOW to be in alignment with higher truth and love, whatever that means to us, moment to moment, RISING to it consistently.

So staying in top form, these next months...  ensuring our fight is more RIGHT than MIGHT.... this matters.

And today's New Moon and upcoming Lunar Cycle should help.

I hope you all enjoyed this past month's BRILLIANT Leo climax to our 2020, thus far. I hope you all got outside, celebrated the infinite Sun, and allowed yourselves to recharge in the brilliance of the season. Because what lies ahead is going to be challenging. Mars goes retrograde in a few weeks, and continues to deeply battle the hierarchical status quo. Within us, and without.

For though our New Moon this month highlights the archetype of Leo, the FULLNESS of self, the Solar month we are soon to enter is that of VIRGO. The healer, the server, the tender of the sacred. Traditionally, this is a month of harvesting, working, and preparation for the fallow season ahead.

And what is it we must prepare?

Our Leonine SELF, of course.

So this month we are called to SELF CARE, and SELF HEALING. Focusing on the importance of ME. Putting that Oxygen Mask on YOU before you put it on your children. So that we can all be bright warriors of light, stepping onto the threshold of our collective unfolding.


Potential questions for this New Moon:

  • How do you care for your FIRE? Your ESSENCE? Your SELF?

  • What do you need to do or change that will help your FIRE burn more brightly?

  • Where are you NOT honoring yourself? Where are you letting yourself down? Letting yourself slide?

  • What commitment will you make, to take care of you and make sure you are ready to step into the intense months ahead?

Ah my friends... take care of that little spark within you. For it is what will fuel our revolution, fuel our enlightenment, and fuel our future.


Immaculate Will: Virgo New Moon and Mars Retrograde


Tending the Sacred Within: Cancer New Moon