Immaculate Will: Virgo New Moon and Mars Retrograde

Tomorrow, September 17th, at around 6am EST the Moon and Sun will join at 25 degrees of Virgo. Making an opposition to Neptune in Pisces, and a trine to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, this New Moon is immaculate, spiritual and focused on RESULTS. She's got what it takes, and she's going to get it done well.

I am deferring, this month, to the video I produced to describe this particular astrological configuration. It is about 20 minutes and goes into the following conversations:

  1. Virgo New Moon: Calling us to purification of our selves, our work, our service... Let's call this 'BE YOUR BEST SELF' New Moon. :)

  2. Neptune as Influencer: Neptune 'plays' in multiple ways (from slightly delusional yet creative, to divinely/spiritually inspired) and is asking us to pay attention to where we are sourcing our 'dreams' from on this powerful day. Perhaps there is invisible help available, if we can tune in...

  3. New Moon trine to the Capricorn planets:  This trine suggests a powerful ability to bring our Divinely-Inspired Virgo Seeds into Form. Saturn and Pluto's super powers of structure, discipline and POWER support our Lunar magic, all month.

  4. Sun/Moon squaring the nodes: Suggesting a 'karmic theme' playing out in the collective, this square to the Nodes reminds us why 'right alignment' matters in terms of our social impact and responsibility. When we come from a place of true humility, we naturally shy away from dogmatism and righteousness... the karmic 'shadows' of our current nodal cycle. Also, Virgo's immaculate discernment can take Gemini's facts and Sagittarius's self assurance and marry them perfectly. Keeping what is true, digesting what is not.

  5. MARS RETROGRADE IN ARIES!!! Yes, this is the hottest topic on the astrology block... and one I pay close attention to (maybe a little repetitively). Have a listen, as this is powerfully influencing all of our fields at the moment, and will do so until it stations direct on November 13/14th.

So have a listen, if you are curious.

And for goodness sake, take some time to plant those seeds of intent that will carry you through this next lunar cycle with grace and perfection, okay?



Stalwart Holy Soldier: Full Moon Aries Conjunct Chiron


Serving the Sacred Self : New Moon Leo