The Right to Be: Aries


Do you ever ask yourself the question: Why did I come here? What purpose, my life? Who AM I, really?

Our 'selves' seem at times a complicated conflagration of competing inputs: thoughts, dramas, feelings, fears. From early on, we are 'programmed' by parents, siblings, schools, society, governments... it's no wonder we lose touch with WHO we are, in essence.


In fact, our SELF is the one thing that will never abandon, never turn away, and never die. As my mentor Deb says, there is no divorce in heaven. We come in as SELF, we die as SELF, we always have our SELF. No matter what.


My healing sped up considerably when I realized that no one was going to save me... but me. That I was literally the one I was waiting for. And even more importantly : that the ESSENTIAL PRIMACY OF ME WAS ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY OKAY. Nothing broken, nothing wrong.

The crap layered on top of me?? Okay, I could do some work there. But ME, MYSELF AND I?

I am exactly as I meant myself to be.

And so are you.

An essential step toward healing/wholeing is RADICAL SELF ACCEPTANCE. And the powerful insistent urge to BE WHO WE ARE MEANT TO BE?

That is the nature of ARIES.


Now I would love share with you a SECRET about Aries, the MAGIC of Aries that seldom gets spoken to.

See, Aries knows that even when we feel the most alone, we are anchored into something MORE than our solitary individuality might suggest.

As Aries ERUPTS into life, is BORN into itself... it is COMING FROM FROM SOMETHING!!

Free, brave and brilliant, Aries springs forth from the wholeness of Pisces, the cosmic womb, the divine itself: not as a lone entity, but as an EXTENSION OF SOURCE ENERGY.

Aries, as a symbol of archetypal individuation, is Esoterically a living embodied extension of the DIVINE WILL TO BE, TO LIVE, and TO LOVE.

As such, Aries 'done right' is a deeply intuitive archetype. For it knows that its WILL FORCE comes from Source. It is a SOVEREIGN HOLDER OF THE KEYS TO LIFE ITSELF.


Today invites us to tap into the primal part of us that existed before we started to colour in the cloak of our social persona. Today we CELEBRATE OUR FREEDOM TO BE EXACTLY WHAT WE CAME HERE AS.

Lay claim to your sovereignty, for it is sacred indeed.

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Please join me in this 23min video to explore this archetype, as it relates to the current sky we experiencing.


Sacred Pleasure: Taurus


Date with the Divine: Exploring Pisces