Sacred Pleasure: Taurus

Yulia Brodskaya

Yulia Brodskaya

At 3pm EST on Tuesday May 11 2021 we celebrate a conjunction of Moon and Sun at 21 degrees of Taurus. An exact sextile to Neptune and trine to Pluto sets the tone, inviting us to a physical experience simultaneously immersive and magical.

In this newsletter, I will talk a bit about Her... but if you would crave a deeper dive, I hosted a lecture on this archetype, examining Taurus from multiple perspectives: mythological, evolutionary, shamanic and esoteric. To purchase a replay of this class, please go here: I will email you a link after payment.

Autumn Sky

Autumn Sky

These days, life feels both miraculous and tragic. This transition we are in pulls me in the slowest yet most shocking of ways. Are you feeling this invitation to embodiment? Are you feeling the inner creature, your deepest self, crawl back to into the Now?

Since our Full Scorpio Moon 2 weeks ago, I’ve been thrust into an acute process of mining. Looking historic, unearthing qualities of ancient history, pulling the hands of my mind through the dirt.

Panning for gold.

Dreams, memories, reclamations. Like a miner, literally, this Taurean month has commanded me into to inhabit my interior. This is REAL. This is HAPPENING. This is HEALED.

Perhaps this has invited you too.

It seems our collective is undergoing a massive transformation of its interior value system and its ability to survive together. Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius is a pervasive theme for 2021. Let's spend a moment together, to dive into one nuance of how this process may be emerging in today's lunar alignment.

Yulia Brodskaya

Yulia Brodskaya

As most who speak this language know, Taurus is an archetype of form. So many subtleties live within her artistry, but one thing's for sure: to focus only on the status quo culture's descriptions of comfort, stubbornness, and the acquisition of possession wastes her beauty.

For Taurus, in essence, is the exquisite slow and full deepening of SPIRIT INTO FORM.

Spirit into Form. Just think on that, a moment. What does it mean, to 'illuminate form'? To bring the golden light of loving awareness into all the earthen 'stuckness' within? To make golden all of this... every cell... to build it sacred?

To experience God in Body. Body in God. Sounds valuable, no?

Autumn Sky

Autumn Sky

Tears and pleasure seems to commingle in this archetype. As she lets go of attachments, she can’t help but mourn... and yet behind tears awaits pleasure. And the experience of beauty so palpable that it approaches the unbearable.

For Taurus is the archetypal expression of Tantra. That ability to hold one’s presence, that tenuously delicate balance between BEING and NOT BEING, in the physical NOW. To receive sensation completely. To be WITH life force as it undulates, holding a container that never crushes.

Said another way, Taurus embodies the conscious experience of SOURCE as it literally creates itself into that which we know as 'REAL'.

Now that's a seriously profound archetype.

And AH, it hurts so good!!!

Sweet sweet Taurus. Sweet fecund earth. Sweet body. Sweet source. Sweet life.

Every moment that is REAL is SACRED. Every moment we are ALIVE is MAGICAL. Every THING we SEE and DO is a dance with DIVINITY.

Taurus at her essence - the Pleasure of Life.

Autumn Sky

Autumn Sky

This New Moon may invite us to a number of questions, but the one I am working with today is:

How still and present in my body can I allow myself to be? Am I willing to BE what is there? To accept everything created as a blessing? To gently turn toward darkness with sweetness, to fear with love?

I don't believe in saying 'NO' to any part.

I don't believe there is 'wrong' in this creation.

How could there be, in essence?

I'm not suggesting there isn't pain. There is SO MUCH PAIN.

But Taurus teaches us to BE with all of it - to allow it to teach us to SURVIVE in right alignment with higher Truth. The Truth that says: We are all here to love. We are all here to learn. We are all here to celebrate and share in building life together. We all have a right to be physical embodiment of spirit in form. That is why we are born.

From within, we build without. And from without, we are built within.

Go mining, dear friends. There are rubies to be found.


Autumn Sky


Truth Gate : Sagittarius Full Lunar Eclipse


The Right to Be: Aries