OUT OF BOUNDS!!! Closing out 2022 a little freaky...


What does that phrase mean to you? Out of control? Beyond understanding? New? Dangerous? Exciting???

Well, this month is full of it.

3 personal planets - Mercury, Venus and Mars - are all beyond the bounds of their 'normal' declination and have been for most of December. This means these planets are orbiting outside the realms they usually traverse, relative to the Earth's celestial equatorial line, and are BEYOND the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. So... while they may be acting quite normally according to their own realities, thank you very much, from OUR perspective here on Earth? They are in uncharted territory.

We are a collective organism on Planet E... we operate in a collective field, whether we know it or not. That means we are all evolving together. We are all one, though our awareness is individualized within the one. During times of EXTREME out of bounds activity, our entire COLLECTIVE is getting an opportunity to EVOLVE, CHANGE, EXPAND AND GROW. Beyond anything we've known before. Pushing the limits, as they say.

Sounds exciting to me.

For instance, I read an article from the New York Times this morning citing that scientists have, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 50 YEARS OF EXPERIMENTS, finally achieved the first ever nuclear fusion experiment that yielded 50% MORE energy in output than it took as input. You know what that means??? If they can replicate that and make it available en masse, we've got our energy crisis solved. Mainstream media reported this today. That's quite OUT OF BOUNDS, in my mind.

I'm also thinking about the rise of protests of totalitarian governments around the world... Iran, for one. China, for another. Populations are rising en masse, facing death but REFUSING to stay silent. Loving beyond themselves. Thinking about future generations. Having bravery to get their voices heard. In Iran, government retaliation is BRUTAL (a quote from the Guardian - "Medics have told the Guardian that women are being singled out at protests, with security forces firing shotguns at their faces, breasts and genitals."), yet even in the face of mass arrests and public executions, people continue to speak out. This is massively OUT OF BOUNDS behavior, no?

Out of Bounds planets expand the potential of our human awareness, allowing NEW things to enter. NEW ideas, NEW ways of loving, NEW ways of acting or behaving. The only planets that go out of bounds are Venus, Mars and Mercury. The Moon also does so. To check if you have Out of Bounds planets in your birth chart, you need a declinations ephemeris. If there are planets north or south of the declination of 23°27', you got one. Google it - you will find it easily enough and can check your birth day.

I have 2 of these planets in my chart. Mercury and Venus. These personal planets are my exoteric and esoteric rulers of my chart, so play extremely prominent roles in my life. After 47 years I am still figuring out how to utilize their brilliance rather than be overwhelmed by their weirdness, and I'm getting the hang of it. If you have an out of bounds planet, I'd love to hear your stories!!

The out of bounds opportunities will feel different for each individual, but I would suggest spending some time in contemplation of this, over the next week or so. The triple OOB effect will persist until the Solstice, when Mercury comes back into bounds. Venus will return to her normal declination on December 23rd, approximately. And Mars, who has been 'out of bounds' since around October 24th, will CONTINUE out of bounds until the beginning of May!!!!

Some questions that might help you explore this cycle:

1. What IDEAS am i having that are new/fresh/surprising?

2. Is my communication or listening style changing at all? Am I considering things from new perspectives, or reacting to things in new ways?

3. How am I responding to life at the moment - are my triggers softening or becoming more spastic? Am I being drawn into a feeling of insanity or clarity?

4. If I sit down and give myself time alone, without distraction, what is arising for me? Does my energy feel different?

Personally, I am noticing that my spiritual alignment 'magnet' is on steroids at the moment. I am SO in alignment and am constantly wanting to be. Normally I get distracted and sidetracked into my lower astral field, into my lower emotional drama. NOT NOW. I am clear as a bell. Focused and straight as an arrow. My mind is empty. My emotions are just... clear. Feels great. Feels like I can tune UP into my divine line and really access a state of pure consciousness. Feels like home. All the human shit is still down there somewhere, but that MAGNETIC PULL UPWARD AND INWARD is so strong and clear and true, it's like a Northern Compass Point leading me home. Last night my grandmother came to me in a dream... we loved each other, laughed, embraced. It was like i was being visited by her joyful soul. I woke with such a feeling of love.




Bright Eyed Truth Speak. Gemini Full Moon.