Bright Eyed Truth Speak. Gemini Full Moon.
Jono Dry
Ode to a Full Moon in Gemini, wholeing at 11:08pm EST tonight... conjunct Mars and square Neptune:
"I wanted it one way, now I see it is another.
While the paradox of this is maddening, the TRUTH is:
I want freedom more than delusion.
So I choose YOU, TRUTH with a BIG T...
I relish you, I love you, I defend you,
for I know it is YOU, dear TRUTH, who offers the gate to authenticity.
And, ultimately, to fulfillment of my unique contribution to the collective dream of unified being."
(before we go on, please make sure to read the end of this newsletter for info on the upcoming Capricorn Reel and Moon School...)
Giotto Judasz Detal
The last few weeks of this Sagittarius lunation may have felt like an exploratory dance of BIG 'T' TRUTH, small 't' truth, and all places in between.
Was there a story you were hoping beyond hope would be true, only to gape at a shocking reveal?
Were there inner narratives that played themselves out, revealing blistered tape and sun damage?
Or perhaps there has been a clarification of the illuminated direction you are best to walk toward, as well as identification of what you are walking away from?
Whatever the deal, today's light mental footing of Luna's GEMINIAN face may reveal the grand duplicitous paradox between HIGH and low, TRUTH... and sort of so.
Oh, how Gemini loves a rhyme... and a paradox. :)
Relativity-M. C. Escher
See, BIG 'T' TRUTH, ultimately, is liberation... it is the cosmological high ground that frees us from small mindedness and projection. Here lives intuition and WISE KNOWING. Here lives an acceptance of the greater cycles within which we dance, identification with Universal Mind and Grand Design, and freedom from the need to feed that personal hungry ghost.
Rather, BIG T TRUTH says 'you will receive greater nourishment from playing your unique part in the unfolding epoch of human evolution.' For when aligned to BIG T TRUTH we follow the call of our soul, trusting our beauty is in cahoots with the upliftment of all that is.
In other words, I accept what IS. And it is good.
Now Small 't' truth illuminates a more discursive narrative. Attached to the personal ME, small t lower mindedness will fill in the blanks of any story to suit its need/greed/desire de jour. Mutating to whatever the 'personalized identity' requires of it, fickle small t serves self alone. It deftly dances in murky waters, fancy-footing its way from harms path and toward desire's goal. Lightening quick, this mercurial denizen has a lovely time spinning facts to its favor!! It can lick a pig as it sips the purest champagne.
Such a shame we can't trust a thing it says....
In other words, I want what I want and will tell whatever story is required to get it. (my 14 year old is really good at this one...)
This is the Geminian Paradox... which master does our mind serve?? Universal or personal? For clearly there are options in this human game we are playing.
ann marie cheung
Tonight's Gemini Full Moon may light up this paradox of nature vs narrative, perhaps revealing the part of us that selfishly spins the story in our favor... and the part inviting greater Truth to BE.
And with a potent MARS IN GEMINI eclipsed by that Moon, both out of bounds and retrograde, there seems a strong invitation toward INTERNAL MERCURIAL ACTION of some sort or another.
Hmmmmm.... Will we WIELD OUR MENTAL SWORD in defense of small 't' stories, or cut through the bullshit to land on the BULLSEYE of BIG?
Caravaggio: Judith Beheading Holofernes
A wide square to Neptune throws a rather frustrating yet important commandment into this Lunation, one that will reverberate for weeks as Sun moves from squaring Neptune in Pisces... then Jupiter in Pisces... and continues lock step with Jupiter until a perfect square at 0 degrees of Capricorn/Aries arrives on Dec 21st. (more on that next time...)
So please keep this in mind over the next while... try to resist an undertow of chaotic and confusing emotion.
Rather STOP, breath, and be sure that whatever you are 'thinking', perceiving and speaking' is aligned to a greater good and not an astral delusion. Because paradox, while certainly fun to play with, can lead to dissociation if we don't have a strong spiritual anchor to orient from. Dogma and didactic reasoning can be a prison, as many a smarty pants can attest... while ILLUMINATED KNOWING offers a strong foundation on which to stand.
Said another way: at this time, meditation and contemplation begets deeper spiritual alignment with Truth.
Ah, may you bring us clarity of mind, clarity of heart, and clarity of spirit, Mercurial Moon!!!
John Gilbert, 'Joan of Arc'
Now... a few announcements.
I am yet again offering a round of MOON SCHOOL, come this January. Honestly, using the lunar cycle for personal transformation is so unbelievably powerful... and sharing its wisdom is my true humble delight. So... if you are interested in taking part, please respond to this newsletter and let me know!! It's a 4 week course and goes deeply into the lunar cycles as an agent for personal evolution and manifestation. Its' SO YUMMY! If you reach out, I will put you on a wait list and send you an early communica seeking alignment on start times. I've never tried this, yet figure it might help some of you who have timing limitations to take part this round.
Secondly, I ANNOUNCE THE CAPRICORN REEL!!! Yes! I am bound to complete the remaining 3 archetypes... and now is the time!!! Please please join... for a 2 hour deep dive into the archetype of Capricorn, examined from the Mythic, Shamanic, Evolutionary and Esoteric lenses. Personal charts will be examined.
Date: Thursday December 29th
Time: 7:30pm EST
Cost: $27 USD
Please see this link to sign up:
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