God in a Body: Capricorn Full Moon & Uranus on the North Node

Capricorn Full Moon is July 13 2022 at 2:37pm EST!

And what is perhaps one of the most important astrological aspects of the year is fast approaching. Making a trine and sextile to tomorrows Sun opposite Moon at 21 degrees of Cap/Cancer, Uranus is close to conjunct with the North Node in Taurus!!

Now, depending if you are using TRUE or MEAN Node, the timing of Uranus on the NN will vary slightly. The exact conjunction will happen from either July 20th to August 10th (Mean Node) or July 31st to August 10th (True Node). This next week, leading up to the 20th, there is a 1 or 2 degree difference between them, so I want to bring it forward. This collective dream is such a fantastically subtle dance... I hope you will weave into it with me a little bit, on this auspicious Full Moon evening.

The Full Moon, in the stoic earth sign of Capricorn, has Pluto conjunct Luna and Mercury partnering with Helios. It sings a clear song of INTEGRITY... both in word and emotion. It is speaks of the strength of love, and of having the courage to speak up for ourselves in ways that are trustworthy and strong. It also suggests FOCUS... and hard, hard work. It sings of how much it hurts to fail, even when we try so hard. Yet how still we rise and do it again, day in and day out. Because there isn't any other option. Because that is the right thing to do. That's how we build our lives and our world. With consistency, sobriety, responsibility and integrity.

Thank you, Capricorn. To your leadership we bow.

Let's explore the Nodal Axis conjunction, shall we?

This is so exciting!

Is it not fascinating, how we evolve? How 'Earth School' offers the perfect 'soul curriculum' to take us beyond our known? The Nodal Axis speaks of the mythological dance we are learning together.... and Uranus conjunct the North Node these next weeks may be a monumental moment in the unfolding of our human lives, this year.

An awakening. A fresh beginning. A perhaps unsettling or unsteady dismantlement of the known.

A breaking through to the other side.

I am so curious to know how you all track it. I am grateful to share with you how it is living for me.

As many of you know, the Nodes of the Moon are on the Scorpio (South) and Taurus (North) axis for 2022 and half of 2023.

I remember leaning tremulously into this year... wondering what Scorpio SN would bring. Fearing it a bit. Well, it has brought quite a few literal Scorpios my way!! I've been quite honored to meet them. And there have also been the lessons. First of which was a message from sprit... a directive to 'CHOOSE ABOVE THE LINE'. This sentence literally dropped into me, bright and strong, early in 2022... and as this doesn't happen often, I listened. I am slowly figuring its worth.

Not sure if you have noticed, but the South Node of Scorpio has not been very comfortable. By nature, Scorpio is where the personality duels the soul for control... and so in its depths lie much conflict. Hunger for intimacy sits alongside terror of it. Fear of betrayal somehow fuels mis-use of power. Shadows revealed obliterate taboo. Shocking truths are unearthed. Danger rises, violations happens, wars erupt, tragic death unfolds. Sometimes... really hot sex. Whatever they may be within or without, the lessons of this year have seemed to be playing out on a battle ground. And perhaps we ARE battling for our collective soul, right now.

'CHOOSE ABOVE THE LINE' proves a handy mantra, in this light.

Give in to the whirlpools sucking murk.... Or step up, stand straight, hold tight.

The chaos isn't going anywhere, after all. The only thing we have control of us is our SELF. The way we stand up inside of us. The way we land in our body, in our beauty. It doesn't matter what is happening outside - it matters what is happening INSIDE. That sets the tone. Determines the strength.

North Node of Taurus.

MY resources. MY values. MY body. MY worth. MY trust.

MY safety.


So why is Uranus on the North Node so exciting??

OURANOS was the primordial god of sky. He was birthed by Gaia (feminine) to be her consort (masculine), and together they created the original Titans and reality itself. Ouranos represents the purest level of COSMIC MIND. He is the FATHER OF ARCHETYPE, the great Titanic force of  consciousness that carries the universal mindstream through life itself.

MIND at its highest.

For those students of astrology, you know that Uranus is the archetype that allows us to stand UP into our God-self, our higher self, and take our individuated place in reality. As the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus rules Universal Law and Order and is the harbinger of the New Age. It is the archetype that evolves us forward, allows us to stand apart from the crowd while also being one of many.

Esoterically, Uranus is HIGHER MIND and INTUITION. Uranus is said to be the higher octave of Mercury. It is also said to be that part that holds ancient memories of lives past, the wisdom sense that connects us to all that is. The Akashic records live here, the guides and ancestors, the Gods themselves. All of this, we access through Uranus.

SO... Uranus on the North Node Taurus????

So exciting in its possibility!

  • A chance to renew/revive/rebirth our beliefs about SECURITY, VALUES, TRUST and SURVIVAL on this earth which we call home???

  • A chance to connect AUTHENTICALLY with our higher self, our intuition and our highest potential???


  • A way of bridging our BODY and SOUL so that SPIRIT AND FORM MERGE IN SUCCINCT BEAUTIFUL HARMONY??? (This is how I am feeling it, by the way... it's like I am coming all the way in, into every single cell, and I am AWAKE inside the embodiment. It's really cool.)

I might pay attention these next few weeks... particularly from July 20th to August 10th. Listen to the whispers of your soul, your body.

What is calling you? What are the messages? What are you dreaming? And what is dreaming you?

Trust this... journal it... hold it close. Keep it. It is YOURS ALONE. There is VALUE BEING SHARED.

Time for renewal? Perhaps. Time for rebirth? Maybe. Time for higher wisdom and a new path forward? Absolutely.

Let's do this.

Enjoy your Full Moon meanderings, my friends. And please let me know if any of you have been feeling this Uranus conjunction!! I would love to know how it is living in YOUR Uranian brilliance.


1. Seventh day of creation, Genesis is a painting by New Digital Museum
2. Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, Capricorn, https://www.shadowscapes.com/image.php?lineid=24&bid=593
3. Francis Bacon's Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X, https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/art/great-works/great-works-study-after-velazquez-s-portrait-of-pope-innocent-x-1953-153cm-x-118-1cm-by-francis-bacon-8688702.html
4.Jeanette Sacco-Belli, 2020 Stormy Times/Messengers from Wakan Tanka, https://fineartamerica.com/featured/2020-stormy-times-messengers-from-wakan-tanka-jeanette-sacco-belli.html
5. Fernand Poulin, http://georgefmobley.com/integrative-soul-psychology
6. Uranus


STOP: Aquarius Full Moon


The Open Eye: Sagittarius Full Moon