The Open Eye: Sagittarius Full Moon

So here we are at a SAGITTARIUS full moon!! So exciting. Early morning June 14th, approximately 7:30am EST/4:30am PST, the Sun at 23 Gemini opposes the Moon at 23 Sagittarius... with Neptune in direct square from 25 degrees of Pisces.

So... here is a question. Why do we find the Truth so hard to see?

Truth can be a bit triggering when we are identified with our emotional body. We may get so emotionally invested in ourselves (nervous of pain or of being 'wrong' or of being judged) that we can't detach from our story in order to 'see' what is happening from a higher vantage point!

Then, as we hold on to ourselves tightly, we engage in that duality dance of back and forth, back and forth. Arguing infinitum. Story on repeat.

I think this full moon is about lifting OUT of our 'investments' in our 'stories' and just seeing life from a higher place of witnessing and wisdom. This full moon seems to speak of 'loving detachment', the ALL SEEING EYE, and choosing COMPASSION rather than sorrow or victimization.

Sagittarius, at its pinnacle, defines the highest potential of our human experience - which is to transcend duality and see clearly, from above, all that is. To live from that HIGHER TRUTH is Sag's quest and, as it masters its animal drives, it grows into a ONE POINTED FOCUSED AWARENESS that activates its pineal gland or THIRD EYE. When the third eye opens, one 'sees' beyond dualistic constructs, perceiving ESSENCE over form.

And essence doesn't lie. Only stories do.

So today... with this full moon... I wonder what TRUTH you will see? Will your third eye fly open to reveal secrets that dance like rainbows??

Maybe. Maybe not.

But if you have been swinging back and forth on the pendulum of Scorpio/Taurus, as the collective has been these past months, you may be a little tired of the drama. And you may appreciate a clear gulp of fresh air.

So however the South Node Scorpionic work has been rising in you, maybe take this full moon time to just detach from it. Try to lift ABOVE the duality of whatever inner vice you're wrestling, whatever power struggle you're having, whatever drama is presenting... and just see what you can see.

Essence over form.

High Vibe Sagittarius is pure joy, in my opinion. Divine being sips ambrosia nectar of the Gods!!! So let's pause the mundane for just a few wee hours and 'indulge' (as Sag loves to do) in the clarity that is available.

(I began my day today listening to Joseph Cambell's 'The Hero's Journey' on Audible and biking through a bird sanctuary at 6am... talk about a divine Sagittarian experience!)

One last small thing... that pesky Neptune!!! Aaargh. Please watch out for Neptune's trickery. With Neptune in Pisces square to Sun/Moon, we will certainly navigate some form of astral waters. You may be triggered, but please resist falling prey to emotional chaos and choose 'above the line' clarity/love/compassion instead.

Higher love just feels CLEAR... not dramatic or attached.

So here is a tip: Focus your lens so that you see a clear, still lake rather than a stinky swamp or a glamorous fountain... and you should be fine.

Here is a 23 min video on the esoteric nature of Sagittarius. I talk about the third eye (ad nauseum) and it looks like I am being blinded by the light, but nevertheless you might find something useful here if you have the time.

I rarely 'apologize' for videos, but I am feeling a bit guilty about this one. As I mention toward the end, my 23 degree Gemini Mercury is DIRECTLY involved in this Lunation and thus my mind feels obscured and obfuscated. I'm doing my best to elevate, be clear, and know TRUTH... And wow, the TRUTH I have been faced with today!!! On a personal level it has been startling. And I'm perfectly fine.

Blessings on your path,


God in a Body: Capricorn Full Moon & Uranus on the North Node


A Seed of Safety: Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse