Nothing More, Nothing Less: Virgo New Moon

sweet frugality, jakub dk

The New Moon of Virgo happened at 4:17am EST this morning, August 27th 2022. The New Moon made a ferocious square to Mars in Gemini, and Venus is currently square the Nodes, square Uranus and opposite Saturn.

This is NOT an easy feeling. Today seems an important one to acknowledge any arising discomfort with humility, and to make realistic commitments. Not flagrantly idealistic promises, nor those that undermine or self-sabotage.... but rather very clear, very direct and very simple acknowledgements of who you are, who you are not, and what you are going to do with that.

Plant simple seeds of clear action today... frugal seeds.

austerity, david dàmaso

The word that keeps coming to me is AUSTERITY.

Austerity is not a particularly nice word.... rather it is pinched, just like the energy today. It means to be PLAIN AND SIMPLE. It means to exhibit a STERN OR SERIOUS quality. It means to BUDGET, to make careful choices, to be realistic. Even restrictive.

The harshness today asks we narrow our scope and come down to earth.

Desire is tricky... and so is that Mars square. Because we DO NOT always get what we want when we want it. And sometimes we actually DO want too much and need to give our head a shake! Other times, we might accept less because we are stuck in self-deprecation and can't stand up.

The ways we veer to either side of perfect alignment may draw us to our knees... but that doesn't mean we give up. It means we acknowledge what is realistic and we PUSH THROUGH. Kind of like squeezing a sausage into its casing, tension helps identify limitations yet also gives us clarity on who we are, what we need, and what steps forward we can take.

No indulgence, no drama.

studio window, peter mcclure

Here are a few prompts that might help today:

What is enough?
How much do I really need?
What is the actual truth of who I am? My skills? My gifts? My talents? My limitations?
If I were to live exactly as I am, not greater than or less than that, how would I feel?
What am I doing that is wasteful? Dramatic? Over the top? Self-limiting? Not serving me?
How can I clean that up?

At this Virgo New Moon, simplicity of self is perfect.
Resist rage.
Use tension to fuel appropriate action.

Nothing more, nothing less.



Libra New Moon: Freedom in Relationship


STOP: Aquarius Full Moon