Libra New Moon: Freedom in Relationship

Two Freedoms; Daria Dudochnykova

Almost every planet in the sky is retrograde: Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. So as we enter the Libra New Moon today, Sept. 25 at 5:54pm EST, the lunation may invite sober reconciliation and remediation of old patterns, key themes of retrograde cycles.

Mercury retrograde/Venus in Virgo is conjunct the New Moon, there is a direct opposition to Jupiter in Aries, and the New Moon occurs at the 2nd degree of Libra... a point associated with the 'super galactic center', the most intense black hole known and a potent magnet for co-dependency and relationship addiction.

A summary for this lunation might be:

"What am I acknowledging and healing, what personal freedom am I asserting, and what new relationship am I ready to magnetically attract?”

Libra is the archetype of relationship: the tenuous balance we strike with the 'other'. The hard won harmonic that tethers us to the outside word and allows us to realize beyond our selves. The Super Galactic Center at 2 degrees Libra, on the other hand, seems a relationship point unlike any other. Astrologer Philip Segwick says of this massive black hole energy:

"This early Libran cosmic vacuum cleaner remains insatiably hungry. The axis of acceptance and approval, classic to the sign of Libra, takes on infinitesimal proportions."

(Read this article for a deeper dive on this degree point... it is fascinating:

So.... while today's New Moon may FEEL like it wants absolute vampiric co-dependency, it is fighting against the impulse in two ways.

First, late degree Virgo Mercury and Venus, conjunct the New Moon, brings an ability to objectively and lovingly analyze our relationship patterns. Which of us has not blurred the lines between self and other, or felt that we 'needed' the other to survive?? Looking at the deep emptiness within and resulting patterns of co-dependency with a keen eye toward purity, austerity and precision helps us extract necessity from the pattern at hand. We all need relationship... that's part of being human. But we certainly don't need all that extra drama, says Virgo.

Second, Jupiter in Aries opposite the New Moon offers a VERY strong counter-weight to aid in re-balancing. Jupiter in Aries is wild, believing fully in its freedom. 'I will never fall into the sink hole of past relationship again!!! I have a right to be who I am, to be free, and I must be accounted for!'. Yet it also offers incredible momentum and bravery to start something new. Jupiter in Aries is great for jumping into a fresh start with blind faith. :)

Free, Weightless, Brave; Daria Dudochnykova

So we have a super powered partnership impulse... balanced by strong declarations of personal agency and freedom... coupled with humility and a sincere desire to improve old patterns... and the courage to LEAP into the new without hesitation!

A fascinating New Moon indeed

Good luck with your seed casting this afternoon/evening. If you desire, here are some questions I am pondering:

1. How can I take responsibility for the power of my magnetic center... it may be VERY strong today... while minimizing potential harm and discord? What am I choosing to pull into it? :)

2. What kind of relationships (with people, things, ideas, projects, my self) do I truly need and desire? If I refine the patterns of my past and distill them to essence, what is the FEELING, the actual REALITY of what I have to offer and what I seek to receive?

3. I acknowledge and account for patterns that feel like energy vampirism, projection, unhealthy attachment... 'need, greed and bleed' feelings. Because I recognize the way I treat my self is how I treat others and vice versa, so purity is not just good for me, it is good for everyone. Take account of my energy and do what I know is RIGHT.

4. My own SELF needs to take charge here... I need to step into self-initiation and bring ME to the table, with humility. If I can't stand in myself fearlessly, I risk falling into co-dependent patterns of people pleasing, acquiescence and self-sabotage. That is not a sustainable model, moving forward.

Okay my friends... enjoy this one. I have my responsibilities calling and must send this without much editing... I hope it makes it to you without error today. :)

More to come...


Freedom and Love; Daria Dudochnykova


From Might to Light : Metaphore or Prophecy?


Nothing More, Nothing Less: Virgo New Moon