Cancer Full Moon: Sourcing from Within
Beginnings, Eva Volf
Jan 5 2023 at 6:07pm EST is our Full Moon at 16 degrees Cancer/Capricorn. Uranus is exactly trine and sextile to the Moon/Sun, and Chiron is square to them.... making this an emotionally humbling lunation with a strong invitation to higher self. This cycle has had a strong focus on integrity, responsibility, and initiation... and now we culminate by understanding WHY we work as hard as we do, and how to best hold ourselves and others along the way. For CANCER is the emotional foundation from which Capricorn rises.
SUNG YOON JO, Shutterstock
Did you know that buildings must have flexibility worked into their architectural design to withstand inclement weather like heavy winds or earthquakes? If built too rigidly, the building might fall in face of these challenges. Yet when 'responsiveness' is accounted for in their structure, when 'flexibility' is built in, the building has a better chance of maintaining its integrity because it is able to change to meet the challenge at hand.
It bends just slightly in the wind, ripples but gently in the quake.
The same applies to us.
Rigid internal structures that do not evolve, change, or adapt end up bringing us to our knees. They are DRY EARTH, and dry earth is brittle, cracked and cold. It crumbles under pressure.
When Capricorn is cut off from the watery depth of intimate care and tenderness, it can become a cold robotic mechanism for greed, abuse of resources, and domination. Surely we all know this kind of Capricorn.
Yet when Capricorn, our societal architect, opens to the depths of the Cancerian emotional realm, the deep waters strengthen it. Now Capricorn can FEEL what is needed and adjust creatively. And whatever Capricorn builds is more likely to stand the test of time.
In the thick of the fragrant night as I listened with ravished soul to the tunes of your beloved voice, Shakil Solanki
Seen through another lens: when connected to deep waters, Capricorns ambition has deep meaning! For HOME is the foundation of material reality.
Whether there are children or partner waiting there hardly matters... for we all have a place we call HOME. Even if it is a scrap of corrugated cardboard at the edge of a garbage dump in the wasteland of the world, there is somewhere you lay your head at night. Somewhere you feel safe.
Where does HOME live for you? Is it a physical place? Is it in your family? Your faith? A favorite tree? Maybe it is a sanctum within that you go to in private moments.
For all humans, the deepest inner source of HOME is our connection to the Primordial Feminine. The waters of life. The Mother Goddess. It is HER tenderness that allows us to feel empathy and vulnerability, to give birth to new ideas and projects (and people!), and to give us something meaningful to work for. For from this deep water we go out into reality and contribute to its well being.... so that EVERYONE can be safe together.
That, ultimately, is the Capricorn/Cancer job. To build a society wherein all have safe haven.
The Creation, James Tissot
On this full moon, let us pray to the Primordial Mother... that her power and empathy allows us to build a safe world of integrity.
On this full moon let us remember that integrity MUST include emotion... for the deeper the water, the more potent the earth.
With Chiron squaring the Sun and Moon, this full moon may present remnants of betrayals, insecurities, fears... and that's okay. We all have wounds. They invite us into the softness of what we are fighting for.
With Uranus in very tight trine and sextile to the Sun/Moon, we can easily take a higher perspective to help us heal and align.
As we face the carnage, tune UP into your universal nature and allow it to re-organize you into primal potential. Remember BEYOND the subtle trauma. Remember the REASONS you build your life, the things that you care about, what this is all for. And anchor there. How precious.
Life is such a wonderful game! We build such beautiful things!!
And we do a much better job at life when we connect to the reasons for living.
Blessings on your path...
Berl-Berl, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, at Halle am Berghain, Berlin