Sara Elise Astrology

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Venus in Leo: Shameless, Gratuitous Summer of Love

Simon Vouet, Father Time Overcome by Love, Hope and Beauty

So... this happened.

Venus moved into Leo yesterday.

And she's going to stay there until October 8th. OCTOBER 8TH!!!!

Now... normally Venus blazes through archetypes quickly. A three week affair here, a four week dalliance there. Yet every so often she decides to move in and stay a few months.

Monogamy, Venus style. 

And as every person in a relationship knows, there is no more a fertile ground for deep lessons than the hearts embrace... and this Venus' retrograde cycle will surely wring our hearts out. 

Though July 22nd at 28° Leo marks her official retrograde, Venus enters her shadow on June 12th and remains there till the bitter end. So 6 days from now we begin to take our clothes off... slowly at first, one piece at a time, getting hotter... and hotter... until eventually all we can do is succumb to her deep penetrating lessons on SELF and LOVE.

(Leo being SELF, and Venus being LOVE.)

Now... this is not self love of that cushy nurturing type, the kind that Cancer favors... rather, this is real passionate FUCK ME kind of love. The kind of love that peaks in its own glory, parties the night away high on its magnificence, does a rail of itself on the bar at 3am to keep going, and then takes its walk of shame home at 7am while wobbling shamelessly in gratuitously high heels. This is not simple love, nor devotional love, not even romantic love... this is sexy, fun, dramatic and flagrantly bombastic love. This is 'pulling your soul out by the roots' in masochistic devastation love.

This is Leo Love.

One thing to watch out for: old lovers enjoy popping their heads back in during Venus retrograde. What that essentially means is - you may be asked to review where you've been, relative to your ability to hold a center of LOVING UNION AND HONEST VALUATION with yourself and others. And anything that has pushed you off that center in the past? It may come back to test your stability. Or it may come back for a second chance, if you mucked it up the first time. So be open!!! Many things can happen when Venus retrogrades!! You're naked, after all.

And lions are out for the hunt.

And don't forget - Venus also rules MONEY HONEY. Because our value in the world is compensate to our SELF value internally, we may be faced with the need (Venus) to see the ways we have devalued or overvalued our self... with a possible range of 'resource' themes burgeoning, from budgeting to windfalls to a Leonine over-indulgence or three...

So don't worry... or be embarrassed... and or take it too serious.

You just be you, baby. Free yourself to be yourself.

walk of shame, elizabeth banks

Now... For an esoteric/soul based take of the archetype, have a look at my 4 minute Instagram reel from this morning. I'm posting regular 'quick bites' on Instagram, as it's a convenient way to share insights about the archetypes and how they are playing for me in real time. So if this appeals to you, please follow me and tune in regularly!! I'll surely be showing up with Archetypal Embodiment tips and tricks, all summer long.

And for something a little more fun... a PURRRRRRFECT example of Venus in Leo... Ms. Lizzo's JUICE:

Speaks for itself.