Taurus Full Moon: Grace vs. Grumbling
Have these last 2 weeks driven you to the edge of your limitations and boundaries? Forced you to become stronger than you realized possible? Have you had to face things you were avoiding, traversed the murky territory between clarity and delusion, trying to sort out what is real and what is not?
Since the Scorpio New Moon on November 1st, I have had to SEE many dark things... in my life, in the world, in myself. I've had moments of collapse around these perceived 'terrors'. It felt overwhelming and demoralizing. Yet... somehow as I rested in the liminal space between reaction and action, I found that the ability to SEE clearly was actually liberating. Empowering.
Because it's better to SEE and KNOW... than to be blind and deluded.
These last 2 weeks have been illuminating to the extreme. With Pluto at the 29° degree point of Capricorn, opposite Mars and sextile to Neptune and Uranus, you can't get more 'initiatory'!! We are about to move forward... next week (Nov 20th) Pluto moves to Aquarius and we're at a new beginning. So... there is no more time. This is the END. That's why these past few weeks have felt so intense!! We must move forward with as much sovereignty and personal accountability as possible. This is our last chance to 'clean up' whatever Capricorn holding patterns remained around misuse of power and unhealthy hierarchies.
For me, the things I have seen have these past few weeks have been SO hard to stomach, yet they have shown me REALITY in such a way that I can not delude myself any more. I have SEEN what IS. So the unconscious patterns that wanted things to be otherwise? They died.
That's how Scorpio works... when you SEE in the dark, you can't change what you've seen. The proof is there. Unshakeable, unquestionable proof. You can avoid it by indulging in escapist addictions, you can try to deny it... yet that will cause you suffering.
Hecate's torches illuminate the liminal spaces where mortals can pretend blindness, helping us make the right choices to move forward with power, authenticity, and soul alignment.
This is Scorpio at its finest: the INTENTION of seeing in the dark is that we become MORE POWERFUL as a result.
So... today's Full Moon at 23° Taurus, occuring at 3:47pm EST, invites us to SEE what we have come through in the past 2 weeks... and make PEACE with the REALITY as it is, rather than as we wished it could be.
Choosing PEACE rather than CHAOS is a choice.
Grace or Grumble.
And with this Full Moon conjunct Uranus and sextile/trine to Neptune and Pluto, all 3 transpersonal or 'spiritual' planets are involved in this revelation... invoking a higher dimensional initiation that demands we see the bigger picture at play.
How I interpret this is:
I TRUST (Taurus) in something greater than me that is holding this together (Neptune/Pluto/Uranus).. trust a part of me that is greater than my emotional responses, my ego's drama, and the discord that I feel (Uranus on Moon). When I TRUST and feel SAFE with reality as it is (Taurus), even if it is dark or scary (opposite Scorpio), something higher comes in (Uranus)... an intuitive FLASH of insight that says 'YES... this IS as it should be. You are okay. You can handle this. Reality is working IN your favor. You have the resources (Taurus) you need to survive... and thrive.'
So this Full Moon reminds us to TRUST OUR INTUITION. Trust the guidance. Trust the authenticity. Trust life.
Feel SAFE even if it feels like Chaos reins.
Find a sense of security in the big picture, that which lies beyond.
Whatever Scorpio darkness we have had to face these past 2 weeks, whatever new level of power we have reached, whatever limits we have surpassed... see this clearly and with peace today.
Rather than choosing fear/panic/discord, choose clarity/authenticity/connection.
Because only one of those choices is going to feel good. And doesn't Taurus LOVE to feel good???
Here a short video I recorded yesterday, about this lunation.
Full Moon Taurus Video
“I experience a power within myself which is not the same as my conscious ego. It has forced me to adopt a path quite foreign to my conscious attitude, a path which totally contradicted my will and everything I considered important. Before I was able to obey this power, I first needed to be crushed and almost destroyed. I often felt it was a pity this process had taken so long, but now, looking back over thousands of dreams and the sacrifices of a long, hard development, I can see how valuable the experience has been.”
Peter Birkhäuser, Light from the Darkness