Nodal Axis Shift: A New Semester in Earth School

Mural by 'Blu' on the Streets of Italy

It is January 11th 2025. Tonight, around 6pm EST, the Nodal Axis of the Moon shifts to a new polarity. The last Nodal shift was on July 17th 2023, when the South Node entered Libra and the North entered Aries.

Today, they shift to South Node Virgo, North Node Pisces.

This changing of the Nodal Axis repeats every 18 months or so... infinitum. It is a cycle of time that is palpable and powerful.

In the personal birth chart, the Nodes of the Moon represent our individual Karmic Axis, describing (and this is simplistic... as the entire chart tells our story) the EVOLUTIONARY TENSION we work within as we bring our individual karmic creations back to God. Back to Source. Back to Love.

The Human Collective, the whole group of us, also evolves with the help of Luna's Nodes. Humanity itself has a Karmic Axis and, at any point in history, Humanity is experiencing an EVOLUTIONARY TENSION that is testing us... teaching us... and inviting us to come back to God. Back to Source. Back to Love. 

This is how we grow. The Nodal Axis cycle describes both personal and collective Evolutionary Tension, defining the LESSONS we are learning and the stories we are telling about those lessons.

And when one cycle ends and another begins?

It's like the whole of us enters a new semester of Earth School. And we have to make sure our pencils are sharp, our binders are filled with paper, and our clothes are laid out... because just as the final exam is writ, this turning of the astral tide thrusts us into our next drama. Our next adventure.

I find this fun, especially when complicit in the dream and AWARE of the invitation because I like to work WITH the Nodal Axis, evolving consciously. If it is going to happen anyway, why not play along? It's more fun to be awake in the movie... and directing the show.

'Automat' (1927), by Edward Hopper

So... let's play.

First of all, I feel it's important to END a cycle properly, by reviewing what was learned.

Since this cycle's inception (July 2023), Libra, as the outgoing South Node, has been presenting SHADOW material or lessons to learn. Aries, as the outgoing North Node, has been inviting MEDICINE for that shadow, or new patterns to be embraced.

Here are some questions which may inspire you to recognize your progress through this particular archetypal turn.

  • Are more free to be who you are, authentically, than you were in early 2023?

  • Have you learned to be more assertive with your views or feelings?

  • Have you confronted co-dependency, seen ways you have given yourself away to 'other', thus compromising your self?

  • Have you noticed toxic relationship patterns like seeking approval or obsessing over connection?

  • Have you realized your FREEDOM and autonomy is worth preserving?

  • Have you become braver, or more fearless?

  • Have you become more impulsive and action oriented, less dithering and worried about consequences?

  • Have you been able to let GO of relationships that weren't serving you, even if that felt 'selfish'?

  • Have you learned to put yourself first more?

  • Have you let go of being NICE in favor of being REAL?

  • Have you learned to enjoy your own company more?

  • Have you learned to honor yourself, and fight for what is yours?

  • Are are you better at addressing what is really going on, head on, even if it is brutal?

In my personal evolutionary lesson cycle, I feel like I've come to like ME more than I did 18 months ago. I feel I can be more authentic. I enjoy myself more. I am okay with ME, less likely to shapeshift into someone else, to meet their expectations, in order to be perceived as fun, pleasing, desirable, etc. And at this end point, I feel authentically excited to bring my self forward and find a relationship that supports me as I am, allowing me to be 100% my self. And I feel content to be ALONE until that happens. My sacred AL-ONENESS is worth preserving.

Perhaps you might take a few moments to reflect on how the lesson cycle has landed for you.

'Christ in the desert by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

So... what about the new cycle? When working with the Nodal Axis, I begin by igniting an awareness of the archetypal range that might possibly present. Then, I pay attention and try to recognize what parts of the archetypes are arising for me, and around me, as the cycle progresses. At each of the Eclipses, the lessons become more and more apparent. Remember: the cycle is 18 months long, and unfolds naturally, over this time.

With South Node in VIRGO, we might expect Virgo shadows to present as 'lessons'... so... below is a list of Virgo shadows. This list is not exhaustive and I encourage you to take this further.

Potential Virgo Lessons/Shadows:

  • Being in a continuous states of crisis

  • Perceiving what is WRONG, seeing always the aberrations or mis-alignments

  • Believing that one has a moral right to declare what is 'good' and 'bad', and to pass judgment on the 'bad'. The 'HIGH AND MIGHTY' syndrome

  • Martyrdom, victimization

  • Shame, blame

  • Slavery, servitude

  • Persecution: either perceiving one is being persecuted, or being the persecutor

  • Naggy criticism... finding fault, picking things apart, never being satisfied, overly fussy

  • Focused too much on details, sure that there is a right and wrong way to do something, harping

  • Mechanical, analytical, over-thinking, lacking creativity

  • Obsessive compulsive

  • Overwhelm, anxiety

  • Feeling one has to work hard to fix things, to make them better, to the point of exhaustion

  • Masochism, self-flagellation, self-imposed suffering

  • Shame... feeling ashamed, believing one is intrinsically soiled, or others are intrinsically soiled. Original Sin

  • Moral righteousness, predicated in shame... 'Shame on YOU!!!' 'You should be ashamed of yourself!'

  • Finding fault, blame, criticism, condemnation, contempt

  • Worry

Universal Love, Robin Phillips, 2018

Now, with North Node in PISCES, we might expect Pisces remedies to present as the counterweight to Virgo lessons.

Here is a list of 'Pisces' qualities we may be stretching into as a collective, as medicine to the Virgo shadow:

  • Forgiveness of perceived faults

  • Acceptance of imperfection

  • Willingness to have compassion for self and others

  • Being calm in the face of calamity

  • Realizing there is no light without darkness, and the willingness to accept the whole of reality

  • Universal perspective, seeing the perfection in totality or wholeness, rather than picking apart the pieces

  • Service to the WHOLE

  • Creativity, flow, freedom

  • Agape- Ancient Greek term referring to the highest form of love  “a response of the heart to all existence of life”  “in a state of wonder” “universal love”  “spiritual love”

  • Knowing humanity AS a unified whole, understanding we are all connected and together... living with this as reality

  • Seeing magic everywhere

  • Unity consciousness

  • Acceptance of a greater power

  • Acceptance of the mortal coil of humanities great dream, including suffering, delusion, horror, evil AND utopia, beauty, glory and goodness

  • Unconditional love. UNCONDITIONAL. No conditions. No judgments. JUST LOVE.

  • True inner peace and spiritual wisdom

  • The grace to serve the greater good, no matter what

  • Trust, release, letting go, transcendence

'Unmoved', Loc Duong

So we shall see what we shall see. This is the beginning and I'm sure we will talk about this again. For as we look out across the world stage today, is their room for compassion, forgiveness, unification and transcendence? What about in your own life? Time will reveal.

Just to close this off, here is my prayer:

When things seem hard or bad or ugly this next cycle, may I remember that there is a greater wholeness that holds us, always.  May I remember that Source is real, God is real, and perfection supersedes frail detail.  May I know that there is a unified field of love that patterns all of humanity, as one family, and that I can tap into this field any time I choose.  May I remind myself, when faced with crisis, that compassion is about the recognition that we are all ONE... one being, one heart, one mind... working together toward our highest potential. And this means I can hold a calm space for difference, dissent and calamity... a space that is filled with loving awareness and the choice to move things toward beauty by finding it within my SELF first.... rather than condemning the other.  May I easily and graciously embody the medicine that humanity needs during this next turn of our evolutionary wheel.


'Sacred Medicine Wheel', Leah Marie Dorion


Nodal Axis Vision: Deep Dive into Virgo Shadow


Taurus Full Moon: Grace vs. Grumbling