Eclipsed: Willing Ourself Sacred

Today, April 8 2024, is our Full Solar Eclipse... at 2:22pm EST. 19.34° Aries.

Saturday night... An eclipse dream came in strong...

All about SELF.

Not about togetherness, or collaboration...

or being polite or considerate or conciliatory...

Rather, this was about the fight for SELF. For ME. For MINE.

Fighting for the spark of life... that light which ignites from within.

In the dream, SELF declarations cinched choices into a focused, decisive container holding:

MY interests
and the interests of MY people...

That's it. Simple.

But aren't we trained to play nice? Is it okay to be selfish?

Why is this eclipse so clearly bringing us into unapologetic alignment... WITH THE ISOLATED ME?

I figure: SELF is the foundation of what we are... so, from SELF, all things are born.

Thus declaring a strong, clear and unified sense of ME would be fundamental to living any kind of life at all.

So when you believe in yourself enough to FIGHT FOR YOU, you take your power back from wherever it might have gone astray.... School, parents, lovers, image, bureaucracy, drugs, media, food, rules...


Fuck it.

And then you build a life worth living. On YOUR terms.


Besides, next year? When North Node enters Pisces? We will learn to play in the compassion sandbox.

And this eclipse NOW lays the foundation for what comes next... cinching the ME... aligning core... igniting CHOICE to be here. Clear, proud, strong, brave, present and willing.

Love this Basquiat painting, WARRIOR... much of his art spoke of SELF. Of the bravery to stand apart. I imagine him... a young, scrappy, brave graffiti artist, taking on the world.... unsure... new... passionate... defiant... breaking new ground... defining new worlds...

"I have no idea what the hell I'm doing here.. yet if I don't have the courage to get up each morning and try?? I'll die."





Cancer New Moon: An Emotional Pivot Point


"Ode to Sacred Meat Suit" or From Suffering to Sanctuary