Cancer New Moon: An Emotional Pivot Point

Tonight, on Friday July 5th at 7pm EDT, the New Moon will occur at 14° Cancer.

Have you noticed in the last 12 months, since the Nodes of the Moon moved to Libra/Aries, that your relationship patterns are changing? 

  • perhaps you are less inclined toward peacekeeping and subjugating your will for another's... 

  • perhaps you are discovering that you are okay to be on your own... 

  • perhaps you are speaking up for yourself more, being more assertive... 

  • perhaps you are choosing FREEDOM over co-dependency, re-defining your relationship structure to make more room for you...

Whatever the case, today's New Moon of Cancer makes a 90° square to the Nodal Axis... and so she speaks strongly to this collective Nodal Axis lesson... creating what Evolutionary Astrology calls a 'TURNING POINT' in the cycle.

As we have 6 more months to anchor in Aries' lessons... freedom of expression, freedom in general, SELF orientation... today's TURNING POINT is perhaps an invitation to tune IN to how we are progressing.... make reparations... and build new emotional structures in support of a more liberated ME.

If I were to personify this Cancer New Moon, perhaps she might be saying something like:

"I know you've figured out that you want to stand on your own two feet, be ferociously yourself, and bravely choose ME rather than succumbing to WE... however there may be some emotional or familial contracts standing in your way.

And what might those be?? 

  • They could be old emotional attachment patterns that cause you to you 'give in' to the other rather than 'stand up' for your self. (You know those gut wrenching feelings that scream 'if I am too much or too aggressive or too selfish or too _______, I won't be liked, I won't belong, I won't be safe'?? Ya, those ones.)  Re-evaluateRe-build.

  • They might be familial roles or obligations that keep you impinged in responsibilities outside of 'self interest'. (Yes, guilt lives here. Do your kids/partner/mom/friends need you to do absolutely everything for them?? Is it actually true their needs should come before your own?) Re-evaluate. Re-build.

  • They might be nostalgic emotional identities based in old versions of you, keeping you 'comfortably enshrined' in your past.... limiting you from who you might more freely be were you not subsumed in some entombed sense secure self. (This is the 'No, I don't do things like that...' or the 'That's not like I won't try it...')  Re-evaluate. Re-build.

To truly 'FREE YOURSELF TO BE YOUR SELF', as our North Node Aries intimates, there are many dimensions to address. And this month's lunation invites us into deeper reflection of the EMOTIONAL dimension... Cancer's domain.

It's a lunation to go INTERNAL and to FEEL how we are, who we are, and who we want to be. 


It's a lunation to birth NEW emotional patterns, built to keep us safe ON OUR TERMS.

(The artwork below, by Chicana artist and activist Yolanda Lopez, reminds me of the feeling we are seeking right now... a sense of PRIDE in our freedom, the ability to stand TALL in our bravery, and the ability to break FREE of emotional trauma bonds and weights of the past so that we can define our self according to AUTHENTICITY... rather than social constructs.)

Now... at today's New Moon, please remember that Cancer is a gelatinous and watery archetype. Not fully formed, it prefers to dart in and out of salty wetness... protecting itself through subversive clacks and sideways scuttles.

The best way to connect with our Cancer energy is to be alone, in a place safe for you, so that you can FEEL yourself internally. Cancer is an inside job... and stillness ensures her emergence. So spend time alone this evening, reflecting on your personal sense of INNER EMOTIONAL ME.

  • Are you feeling you are all that you can be?

  • Are you feeling your freedom as you want to?

  • What stands in your way?

Perhaps therein lies the seed that shall sprout through this lunation.

  • For FAMILY could be in healthy support of the individuals that make it!!!

  • RELATIONSHIP could be based in healthy inter-dependency and loving attachment bonds!!!

  • Our sense of ME could feel secure and strong.... and SAFE!!!

And if we are far from any of that, Cancer has her work cut out. (Good thing this Cardinal New Moon, trine to Saturn no less, is built for getting shit done.)

Thanks for spending your time with me... I hope this was valuable in some way. I'm feeling my feels today... and will be planting my watery seeds along side you.

All my love,

1. Olena Kucher 'The Freedom to be YOURSELF'
2. Edvard_Munch, 'Ashes'
3. Rita Loyd 'Free Yourself'
4. ‘Portrait of the Artist as the Virgin of Guadalupe', Yolanda Lopez
5. 'Silenced - a portrait of woman submerged into water', Adelacreative


Capricorn Full Moon: Culmination


Eclipsed: Willing Ourself Sacred