Nodal Axis Vision: Deep Dive into Virgo Shadow
I have my Sun conjunct my South Node, in the 12th house of my chart.
So… I tend to sense both the collective field (12th house) and the Nodes of the Moon. Strongly.
Reliably, I receive visions of the current Nodal Axis... about how to work with it therapeutically. That's why I often speak of the Nodes... I authentically feel them, see them express in the collective, and am SHOWN how their lessons unwind in humanities astral field… by experiencing it in my OWN astral field.
With that as a preface, WOW did I get thrust into a deep dive of South Node Virgo’s shadow last night.
The theme was intensely PERSECUTORY. Classic Virgo shadow.
A technicolor experience of persecution and crisis lit my astral field for HOURS. I kept rising from dream, observing what was happening, and then being thrust back... and I could feel my soul's memories and fears of persecution, and the accompanying shame, being LIT UP and asked to come forward.
Readied for Piscean REDEMPTION and HEALING, perhaps.
Our collective just entered a 19 month karmic cycle of Virgo/Pisces... during which we perhaps will address those ugly parts of us that ENJOY persecuting (taking others down, 'right sizing', criticizing, cancelling, punishing)… and ugly parts that suffer it.
My friends, the FEELING of persecution is so terrible... think Holocaust. I was having my liberty, my sense of self, my livelihood, and my very life taken against my will. I was being reduced to NOTHING by people who simply wanted to harm me for no reason other than their own righteousness.
Excruciatingly painful.
This is Virgo Shadow.
Being reduced to NOTHING. And the shame, bitterness, sorrow and victimization that accompanies.
So… what is the opportunity here??? I mean what’s the point? Why do we have to face this shit?
As far as I can tell, when the South Node activates collective karma, each of us as individuals will ‘play out’ a tiny role in the movie… in order to help humanities’ astral field evolve. And the ‘evolution’ that we seek? It generally rests in the archetype of the North Node. In this case, in Pisces.
Now, I've yet to find that Piscean medicine. We are one week into this, after all.
Yet interestingly, I've been quite drawn to PRAYER lately. Specifically, connecting consciously with Jesus Christ.
I feel this deep place in me that is desperate for redemption from something so horrible I can't bear it alone…. as if I need to 'reach up and out' for something greater to help me.
Now… for those who do not know me, I am not religious... nor was I raised religious. I am half jewish/half christian… and was raised totaly secularly. By an academic and an artist. I had an authentic spiritual awakening in my early 20s which really obliterated my ‘academic’ liberal self, yet happened BEYOND the context of any dogma. So… my spirituality, while informed by whatever education I have given myself over the past 30 years, is essentially guided by instinct and intuition. And this ‘instinct’ to connect with the beauty that is Christ Conscousness, to ask for help, is NOT religiously based. I feel it is important to grasp that these archetypes, these masters, they do not ‘belong’ to any religion. They are celebrated WITHIN a religious structure, yet they are available to everyone. They stand alone. And knowing the archetype of Pisces as I do, ‘reaching out' to Christ or God makes sense. Because Christianity as a form in our collective belongs to the Age of Pisces. So working with Christ consciousness, relative to this cycle and as a medicine to the shadow, seems appropriate.
I’m in process with this, and am sharing what I’m given freely… with hopes that those who are also experiencing can relate.
Because, for good or ill, we are in this mixer for a while.
And as always… we shall see what we shall see.
Thanks for reading.