Triumph Over Matter: New Moon Capricorn

Serious. Sober. Whole. This is Capricorn season. The most mysterious, the great initiate, the Unicorn.

“In Capricorn, we have the triumph of matter; it reaches its densest and most concrete expression; but this triumph is followed by that of spirit. There is full expression of the earthly nature in Capricorn, but also immense spiritual possibilities”. Alice Bailey

On December 25 2019, late in the evening and in the wee hours of Dec 26th, we have an alignment between Sun and Moon and Jupiter at 4 & 5 degrees of Capricorn. With the South Node merely 4 degrees away, this heralds a powerful Solar Eclipse. A gateway. An opening. A holy event. As we move forward into January and the much anticipated alignment between Pluto and Saturn at 22 degrees of Capricorn, this New Moon may be seen as our entry to the deep work of power re-orientation being asked of us this next month and year.


In this video today (about 27 minutes) I go deeply into the Esoteric Wisdom of the Capricorn archetype, detailing the 3 initiations that occur at this stage of consciousness... and which  invite us at this time.

I also discuss the upcoming planetary alignment between Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, and what it may mean for us collectively and individually.

Lastly, I discuss how to identify the Capricorn shadow in your psyche, and how to look at your birth chart to see where these initiations are happening for you.

I know the video is long - My apologies. I always have so much to say. Because of nature of this holiday time and my commitments to my family, I am not going to write a long newsletter. Rather, I will leave it at the video.  If you are interested, I hope you find benefit and inspiration.

Please email to share your impressions, if you like. And as always, blessings to you and yours.

"This is dead center. I am the one
Who holds it in myself, the one who sees
And can contain ocean and sky and sun
And keep myself alive in the deep freeze
With a warm uncontaminated vision." - May Sarton

Much love,