Dreaming Home : January 2020, Cancer/Capricorn

RIGHT NOW is the first eclipse of our year, and the first full moon... occurring at 20 degrees of Cancer. The next few days will be ripe with this energy... as we hit the full alignment between Pluto, Saturn, Sun, Mercury in Capricorn on Sunday January 12th.

I have to admit I'm getting a little bit worked up about this. Looking out at the collective and what is heating up on the planet right now? It is creating a tangible sense of fear. Can you feel it??

Last night I dreamt of the months leading up to the Holocaust. I watched as a Jewish mother, sensing something was wrong, began to keep her children closer... to hold her loved ones more tightly. Every once in a while the dream would 'flash forward' and I would see this beautiful woman become the emaciated and sickly version who would emerge in the concentration camp where she would end up.

Talk about a feeling of doom.


Let's piece out this dream, and correlate to today's archetypal ecosystem.

1. First, we have the STELLIUM of CAPRICORN, with Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and South Node holding court. This is the 'wolf at the door'. The looming disaster. The patriarchal corruption, greed, abuse of the planet and her resources. This is the egoic dominant attitude that says "it's all about me/mine... why should I care about you?". This attitude exists when we lack connection to the healthy feminine, to our feeling nature, to our compassionate selves. When we are cut off from our hearts. This attitude holds us in despair, in isolation and in pain.... and it does harm to others.

2. Then directly opposite we have the MOON in Cancer. She is the lone mother, holding onto her children as she stares obliquely across at that Wolf, and hopes to hell it stays away.

3. Lastly we have a trine from the Moon to NEPTUNE in Pisces. Here is the spiritual element, the support that comes from beyond, magical and numinous. We can't see it, but it is always there... and today, perhaps its support BUOYS that Moon, holds it up. Like a prophecy, she sits... hoping we will take another road. Dream a different dream. This Neptune witnesses, as I bore witness to the drama unfolding from the past... and as you bear witness, today, to the drama unfolding into our future.

Seems a telling dream, does it not?


None of us know what is happening right now, or what is coming down the pipe. Many feel fear and dread and a sense of foreboding.

Eclipses are times that set a new tone for the collective zeitgeist. And sometimes when something new is born, it is painful. (Well, EVERY time, says the mother of three.)

This eclipse, in the archetype of Cancer, calls us toward the softness of the feminine. The womb of the mother. This archetype invites us to remember that which is the source of our efforts, the REASONS we do what we do, the HOME we work to protect. Asks us to feel our feels, even if painful, and declare the beauty found in the tenderness of vulnerability.

As a counterbalance to that Capricorn Stellium, perhaps today is a momentary break to reconnect with what matters before we head out to 'war': declaring our personal power, reconnecting to true authority, taking a stand against that which needs to go.

So that THIS time we stop things before they go too far.

We are trusting lunatics with our lives. Our children's lives.

Connect, feel, love... and keep each other close. It may not stave off the wolves, but it matters. To remember why we are fighting the good fight, why we care to even try.


I had a hard time with today's video. I recorded it THREE TIMES and I still don't want to publish. (This is why I rarely feel up to putting things out at the Full Moon - it's too intense for me to stay level headed.)

So this video is a RANT. And it’s an important one. I’m so grateful to share.

Sara Elise.