Scorpio Full Moon Video (and exploring Pluto/Saturn)


Hello friends,

Saturday May 18 at 4pm EST marks a SCORPIO NEW MOON, with Sun trine Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn, and Moon sextile these same. We have Venus in Taurus, conjunct Uranus trine Mars in Cancer, and a beautiful Mercury about to go Cazimi with the Sun in a matter of minutes.


I'll explain more in the video, but just know - today is a great day for letting go. Just letting it OUT.

Erupting, Emoting, Expressing, Dancing, Celebrating.

And knowing that YOUR SACRED FEMININE POWER, your snakey witchy goddess self, is the most precious commodity on planet earth.  Clear, no-nonsense, authentic feminine truth? Why not step in!!

We need a little FEROCIOUS HEART, people. A little BLATANT HONESTY. A little KINDNESS to temper the tumult. A little TOUGH MOTHER LOVE. Well, TODAY maybe a little less 'mother' and a little more underworld dark appeal... but SOON. Trust me... soon. We'll be brought to our knees, and to the teets of our Mothers bosom.

Ah, dear Capricorn. May you fall into line.

Ah, dear Scorpio, dear Artemis the wild She. May you take down that macho Orion, threatening to hunt all the animals on earth to prove his superiority. May the Scorpion's sting subvert his ego's thrust of idiocy and save us all.

(this one's for Alex...)

"Orion? He’s only famous cause she killed him."


Here is my video… a double gemini’s attempt to make peace with all of this chaos. :)

Love you,



The Illumined Mind : Sagittarius Full Moon June 16 2019


Libra Full Moon ; Video Quip