Will of our Womb : Cancer New Moon & Solar Eclipse


Hello friends,

Right as we speak there is a Full Solar Eclipse occurring in the archetype of CANCER. Calling us to deeply consider what it is we hold sacred within us - what matters to us, what we are fighting for, what we hold dear.

Cancer is the archetype of the HOME and the MOTHER. But when we connect only to our GENETIC MOTHER and our INHERITED HOME, we miss the opportunity to understand the WOMB within. That part of us that comes from deep deep in our soul and speaks to us about what we want to create from. Our WOMB WILL, which is entirely our own and operates outside of inherited conditioning.

Cancer is a CREATIVE ARCHETYPE. It births what it needs to survive, using instinctual FEELINGS and MENTAL ACTIVITY, Cancer is so busy... and so hard working!!

With the New Moon today, it is curious to ask: "Am I creating life from a place that feels insecure? Or am I creating from a deep place where I KNOW I am safe, and I KNOW I am sacred, and I KNOW I am here to build something of value and integrity that will be for the greater good of us all?"

That's a question I would love for us all to ponder, today.

This video is shorter than past videos... and as usual, a wee bit discursive. I'm getting better, as time goes on. Yet regardless, it is my offering of my insight into the collective meaning of this day and this moment in our lives. I hope it is of value to you and that it serves you in your highest form.

Blessings to you all,



Shine the Sun from your HEART : New Moon Leo


The Illumined Mind : Sagittarius Full Moon June 16 2019