Evolving the Collective: New Moon Aquarius, Jan 24 2020

Today at around 4pm EST we have the conjunction of the Sun and Moon in the archetype of Aquarius, signaling a New Moon and a fresh evolutionary pulse of intention into the collective.

To interpret this 'pulse', let take a look at the archetype of Aquarius and how it works.

"Aquarius is about the free sharing of elevated thought, ideas and ideals." - Patricia Walsh

In its essence, Aquarius liberates us from the KNOWN and takes us into the future. Because it lives strongly in alignment with higher mind and intuition (Aquarius is ruled by Uranus), Aquarius generates fresh ideas that evolve the collective by breaking the bonds of Saturnian 'norms' that no longer serve.

Aquarius also represents the archetype of the INDIVIDUAL WITHIN THE COLLECTIVE. That part of us that is so strongly itself that it needs no approval or acknowledgment. Rather, it puts all of its energy and effort toward helping others achieve liberation and freedom for themselves.

Here's a current example of how Aquarius evolves us via pop culture. For those who are old enough, remember back to the 60s, 70s and 80s? How many people did you see with tattoos all over their bodies? The practice of tattooing in the Western World was relegated to fringe groups wherein new thought and style were celebrated. But to the rest of the 'normal' society, tattoos were frightening and polarizing. Fast forward 30 years... those without tattoos are on the fringe in many communities! Such is the power of a small group, declaring their 'right' to self express in a new way, and thus evolving the collective zeitgeist over time through their revolutionary behavior. The STORMS become the NORMS.

Astrology is another of these 'trends' now making mainstream. 10 or 20 years ago, to be an 'astrologer' meant you were on the outside of social acceptability. Today there are celebrity astrologers with communities of over a million! And while it is still a little  'strange', declaring publicly that one is interested in, or practicing the art of, astrology garners curiosity vs. disdain in many circles.

Expressing the authentic self is Aquarius' genius. Being able to hold space for ALL unique presentations, ALL disparate pieces, ALL ways we might be different - this is her gift.

She is the ultimate humanitarian. The way-shower toward unanimity of purpose coupled with harmony of difference. In her Utopia, we would express as EXACTLY how our Soul intended, held within a loving collective that celebrates uniqueness and combines effort to take care of the whole.

This month, we are invited to embrace our authenticity while examining how healthy our 'line in' to the collective is. Do we hold ourselves back from expressing who we are, for fear of how others will perceive us? Do we lock ourselves into judgement of others and their differences, as we project our insecurities outward?

In the video today, I explore the idea of how our personal integrity effects collective health. I examine ways we subjugate our individual integrity to 'fit' into unhealthy collective environments, and I explore why it is important to fight 'group think' and stand apart. I invite you to consider how YOUR choice to bravely show up during this lunar cycle is an opportunity for you to heal the parts of you that have been "lost in time and space"... to shepherd the lost lambs of your psyche and reclaim your beautiful essence, your inner divine child.

And finally, I affirm that this month is all about TRIBE. In all its forms and guises. It's about FINDING tribe, specifying our contribution to that tribe, and healing our relationship to our self and humanity in order to contribute to its evolution.

This Video today is a bit heavy in the psychological, but it seems to be what is arising for me. I hope it speaks to you, if you have the time to view it. Please let me know what you think. I always love to hear from you!!

Sara Elise.