Our Spiritual Will: New Moon Pisces


Here comes our New Moon at 4 degrees of Pisces, at 10am EST on Sunday February 23, 2020! This silent goddess of a New Moon conjoins Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, creating an 'incubator effect' encouraging self-reflection. This peaceful Moon is solidified by twin sextiles to earthy Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Capricorn, grounding our Piscean Dream by inviting contemplation on how we might ACT in light of continuing disruptions to personal and planetary power structures. These sextiles remind us to call upon our INTUITIVE KNOWING (Uranus), while aligning SPIRITUAL WILL (Pisces) with PERSONAL WILL (Mars)... anchoring our mission in preparation for the spring. 

Next month we begin a new Zodiacal year, after all. With Aries soon to BURST into our lives with warrior's intent, lighting a flame to our collective Capricorn sobriety, Sunday's New Moon invites a GENTLE INTROSPECTIVE space to DREAM into our humanity, our spirituality, and our coming 'work'.

Pisces is the final Zodiacal archetype. As such, she represents the last stage of ego dissolution as we 'return' to the source of creation and reclaim a state of Grace.  As part of her 'release into the mystery', Pisces must embrace the ENTIRE human experience... with unconditional love. No small feat, considering the 'mine field' of human experience is over-full with suffering. And dear Pisces feels it all! She is compassionate, deeply emotional, and DIRECTLY PLUGGED IN TO THE COLLECTIVE. Whether she likes it or not.

No boundaries, no limits.


Not all Piscean types are happy to 'feel the feels'. Some prefer to float in a bypassed state of Utopic 'light and love'. Some prefer to 'escape' the pain of being human through addictions to a variety of vices. And still others may martyr into deprived states of servitude, giving themselves to a seemingly 'ego-free' dedication to 'service', avoiding the 'self' altogether.

She is a complicated archetype, she is.

And while these may be stages along the path of a Pisces' evolution... they are not the WHOLE of her.  For when Pisces matures, she stands, GLORIOUSLY FIRM AND LOVING, balancing the HUMAN REALM with the DIVINE. With EMOTIONAL DISCERNMENT AND DETACHED WISDOM, she loves the full range of human experience, from suffering to sublime. And she transmutes attachment to 'human will' into ALIGNMENT WITH SPIRITUAL WILL, rendering her brilliantly creative and responsive to the precious need of each moment at hand.




Thank you, Pisces, for loving so much. For sacrificing so much for us. For reminding us that we are MORE than this suffering. For forgiving us our infallibility. For reminding us that life continues, despite it all. And for teaching us to live compassionately passionate and poetic lives devoted to something greater than ourselves.

Beauty is simple, after all.

If you are interested in more, please have a look at my video today.

For the first 16 minutes I lament on some of her more taboo or 'strange' qualities and explore the esoteric 'mystery' of the archetype, according to Alice Bailey and The Tibetan Master. The final 10 minutes looks at the architecture of our New Moon Sky... examining how the energy may be used in our personal practice at this time.

In summation, for those who can't dip in, a New Moon ritual at this time might include a meditation upon questions such as:

-What is my SPIRITUAL MISSION right now?
-What happens when I ask for guidance, in this respect? What does my intuition tell me?
-Where does DIVINE and PERSONAL WILL live in my body? What does it feel like when I am centered in each? Can I tell the difference?
-And what does DIVINE WILL impel me to DO with my PERSONAL WILL at this time?
-Lastly, pull in the Mercury Retrograde by considering: how have I been growing in the past few months... what habit patterns have I been breaking? What thought forms am I getting control over? What beliefs? And how can I bring these into line, in order to free myself to be MY best me, as we enter the new Zodiacal year in April?

Thank you, as always, for joining me. I am grateful for your support.

With love and blessings,