From Might to Light : Metaphore or Prophecy?

"Night Watcher Black Panther" Yue Zeng

The Eclipse coming Tuesday Nov 8th is building its presence in my psyche. Uranus on the North Node in Taurus… survival is on the menu, as is embodiment, and nature… and the material world. As with any eclipse, the cycle rolls out over a 6 month period of time. We will see what this winter brings.

Now… this 'event' is more an accumulation of evolutionary pressure than than one 'moment' in time. As such, I would like to share a dream that came recently, descriptive of these times and perhaps offering a glimpse into a deeper meaning of this particular evolutionary cycle. I have had so many visions like this over the years, yet this stood out strongly. I woke at 3am with a deep feeling of hope, an understanding of how to reconcile opposites within, a knowing deep inside that we can heal division and elevate together. I could feel it inside, alive in me. I trusted it.

Bear with me. It’s a story.

The dream:

The Earth is in cataclysm. Complete collapse of human systems, supply chains, structures. There is chaos. Humans are scared, life hangs on the line. We are faced with the reality that death is imminent and we are all at risk.

In the dream, I am in the water of death. Literally. Swimming in it. Feeling the fear of it, the misery, the pain. I am experiencing the emotions of this dark and devastating reality so deeply and it is crushing to me. I am terrified. All of those around me are in a similar experience... people are panicking, suffering. It is not pretty or nice. This is gritty.

Suddenly, I realize my dog is with me and at first I fear her. I fear her animal self, her natural violence. I perceive that she is a 'danger' to me. Yet very quickly I come to this place inside myself that REMEMBERS she is love... and I am love... and we are one. I remember that I am connected to the animal nature, to the planet, and to myself in a unified field of loving consciousness that holds all of us. This realization fills my body with a golden feeling of love and warmth. And suddenly everything changes. I am lifted out of the water of death. I am on land again.

In this remembering, I know that MY frequency creates the relationship I am witnessing and experiencing outside of me.... And I am able to perceive that MY FREQUENCY is the key to my survival.

I realize that when I am in LOVING consciousness, UNITY consciousness, the reality around me opens to me in love. Reality is generous and benevolent and warm. My dog... she comes to me in joy and she cares for me and holds me. The Earth does the same!!! And there are many other people around me who have come to this same realization: that we are one with each other, in harmony with the planet. The animal nature is safe, the separation is dissolved.

This group of us - we stand together in unity and love. And it's not romantic love - please don't misunderstand. This is not Hallmark Card love, not EMOTIONAL. This is a unified field of HIGHER HEART alignment. We are literally living in a field of consciousness that knows we are one, that is AWARE of itself as a whole, and that acts appropriate to that awareness. Meaning - we do no harm.

At this point in the dream it is clear to me that this state of consciousness is the solution to the problems, divisiveness and terror that has gripped the earth. I am aware that in loving consciousness, the Earth and us are not separate... and that she works with us and we work with her to survive comfortably and peacefully. This feels abundant and joyful. This feels protective and unified. This feels like community. Finally. Like health. Like authenticity. Creativity. Trust. Beauty.

But not all humans are choosing this. I become aware that, despite my having found a group similar to me, there is a faction of humans who refuse this way of being by staying focused on DIVISION, THREAT, HARM and SEPARATION from the earth. They see earth as the problem, and they need to defend themselves! They think we are idiots!!! Clearly we are not seeing the truth!! And so our groups break in two... go separate ways.

By staying in divisive consciousness, separation consciousness, these humans are complicit in the creation of their own harm. They do not realize this because they choose a dualistic way of perceiving the world around them as a 'thing' that is beyond them, separate from them. Something they need to fix or defend against. It is sad to see them go... I mourn for the loss of so many.

But this choice? It is literally theirs.

In the dream I know we will all have a choice to make. We will either align with a consciousness that perceives wholeness and unity, or we will persist in a mind set perceiving division and separation. Now it is not lost on me that the fact that I perceived a choice in and of itself suggests a division! The irony of that is complex and the meaning evades me. How I felt in the vision was that this choice is simply that... a choice. Free will. Neither choice is better or worse - yet each has consequences.


Uranus is a key player in this eclipse, conjunct the North Node in Taurus. Uranus is not a simple archetype. From the lower self perceptual level, Uranus feels like discord and discombobulation... a breaking up of the energetic field which can feel to the personality like a chaotic and disjointed static. Yet from the higher self perceptual level, Uranus feels like a clear intuitive higher mind field that generates cohesion in the system, resulting in personal sovereignty within a collective field of consciousness.

God in a body.

Are we are being asked to perceive our Survival on Earth as either one of division and discord, or ease and connection? Is there a choice to be made?

Since the first eclipse season in April/May, and particularly since Uranus came conjunct the North Node this past summer, I have felt a quickening of my own consciousness in form... and have faced choices to either step up or step down. I believe this final eclipse on November 8th may be a capstone moment of choice for the collective itself, and individually. The choice we make will reverberate through the next months and beyond. The invitation, to me, is to embody my universal consciousness as completely as possible, and to feel safe with that. To trust it. To find within myself a feeling of that TRUST. That peace. That rest.

To know I AM ENOUGH JUST AS I AM. More than enough!

Can we realize that this is ALL SOURCE? All of it. All of it, alive and conscious and aware. And that we create it as a reflection of our alignment?? At the very least, I hope this eclipse brings an awareness that each of us in every moment has a choice to make regarding where we want to focus our attention and our awareness. And that choice is the way we build our reality.



Bright Eyed Truth Speak. Gemini Full Moon.


Libra New Moon: Freedom in Relationship