A Seed of Safety: Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse

Tomorrow, Saturday April 30th at 4:41pm EST, the Sun joins the Moon at 10 degrees of Taurus. As our New Moon falls within orb of the North Node, this marks the first Solar Eclipse of 2022.

Seen enough power disparity? Tired of the seemingly endless addiction to MORE? The insecurity arising from not having enough, from having power taken away? Are you sick of petty obsessions? How about greed? Or jealousy? Emotional chaos? Fear? Manipulation? Conflict? Are you ready for a little AUSTERITY? Maybe some PEACE and CALM? And here's my favorite: How about some AUTHENTIC EMBODIED SAFETY??

I am.

This earth matters. Our bodies matter. Our lives matter. We matter. We are enough. Spirit in a body... every one of us. Each deserving of security. Of survival. Every creature on this earth has that right - it's greed that steals it away.

Really, when you look at it... money isn't the root of all evil, GREED is. Wanting more than is yours to have. Feeling you have the right to take it. Energetically, physically, emotionally, spiritually.


This is a massive theme of this eclipse gate, I feel. With South Node of Scorpio and North Node of Taurus, its time stop feeding the hungry beast.

I'll curb my Pollyannic tendencies and state: I know we have our work cut out for us. It's not as easy as flipping a switch, in the great chaotic world of kama manas (illusion and attachment of the ego to the material realm). Yet maybe this eclipse will bring the earthquake we need to shift our fixity and stubbornness. We could use it... so could the Earth.

These last few weeks, since Jupiter/Neptune joined forces in Pisces in early April, so much has come to light. Suffering, inequity, manipulation, hopelessness, power plays. We see it all.

Yet also arising has been a deeper capacity for COMPASSION, for sensing the invisible, for spiritual awareness of the whole, and maybe even for joy, bliss, wonder, meaning and magic. Ah... Pisces brings it all, good and bad. And with Venus joining the conversation, a deeper love for what it means to be human has perhaps snuck a whisper into our heart.

A knowing about why we need to care for each other, why we all count. There is only one of us here, after all... no matter how separate we feel, we are not. We are connected. And its time we noticed.

Eclipses change the dream we're dreaming, irreparably renovating the zeitgeist. They disrupt reality in powerful ways, personally and collectively. I feel we've had enough nightmares to last a lifetime, so I'm praying for a sweet one this time!!

With CHOOSE ABOVE THE LINE my mantra, I'm angling for a miracle.

April 30th at 4:41pm EST: Moon and Sun at 10 degree Taurus, Uranus nearly conjunct, stellium of 4 planets in Pisces not far off, and Saturn in Aquarius square to the Nodes. My video meanders as usual, yet essentially this speaks to a DEEPENING OF OUR AWARENESS OF WHAT MATTERS.

Here's an Eclipse Invitation:

May you slow down enough to sense what it really means to be a spirit in this body - to inhabit it with your LIGHT TURNED ON. May you stand awake from within, embody your self completely, and break the bonds of chaotic dark misery that has lingered so long. May you know, from deep inside, what matters most to you. May you cut away the excess, the distraction, and just be with what you really NEED. Whatever that is. For each of us, slightly different. And that is okay.

May you get absolutely real with yourself. Deep, embodied authenticity, safety from within, plenty enough to stand on.

May you take a deep breath... and rest in the truth that YOU ARE VALUABLE. YOU ARE ENOUGH. Just as you are. You can stop the manic hunger, you can cease the frightened lunge.

You can be still.

Let's see.

Speaking of how to create PEACE ON EARTH, how about raising compassionate and loving children?? A dear friend of mine, Hope Merene, is passionate about supporting parents and children as we enter into this new paradigm of being. She has created a program called 'My Soulful Child – Parenting our Awakened Children, a four-week Workshop series for Parents of Spiritually Sensitive Children'. The name says it all, really. She asked me to share the link to it, and I heartily agreed. I wish I had this when I was a mom of 3 young kids!!

Here is the link for more information:




  1. Vanni Mangoni

  2. JohnsPainArt

  3. Olga Klimova

  4. Caroline Hernandez


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