Anchoring the Sacred: Virgo Full Moon & Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction

We are fast approaching the spectacular conjunction of Neptune and Jupiter at 23 Pisces, on April 9th. Perhaps the most important astrological event of 2022, this rare conjunction last occurred 166 years ago, in 1856. It is special because BOTH Jupiter and Neptune RULE Pisces, and their coming together in this archetype suggests a poignant opportunity to RE-DREAM (Neptune) a VISION (Jupiter) for HUMANITY'S SPIRITUAL AWARENESS (Pisces).

Depending on where personal alignment is centered, we may perceive this energetic gate in vastly different ways. Pisces is not all 'love and light', after all. It can be wildly chaotic. At a personality level, the Jupiter/Neptune amplification of the Piscean field may bring delusions of grandeur, emotional chaos, and terror. Or it may bring crystal clear alignment with higher self and embodiment of higher love.

It can take you OUT or it can take you UP... it is entirely your choice.

At the collective level, we may be experiencing the death throes of Patriarchal domination and unhealthy masculine on Planet Earth (fingers crossed). This Moon will amplify this, and set the stage for the coming re-dream.

With Capricorn at 28 degrees, perfectly trine our Full Virgo Moon and the North Node in Taurus, and sextile to the Sun, this Lunar Cycle suggests we have the power to bust through expired nightmares (Pluto) that may lie in our bodies/minds/hearts (Sun/Moon), invoking a state of prayerful humility (Virgo) that can lead us toward TRUE safety on planet earth (Taurus NN). With Uranus sextile Mercury in Pisces, we are talking a TRUE EVOLUTION of outdated ways of thinking, outdated value systems, and the potential for TRUE HEALING. (Which always - ALWAYS - involves connecting with higher energy and bringing it down into the trauma field... resulting in deeper embodiment, rather than perpetual story telling).

However you want to look at it, we are co-birthing a NEW way to be safe on Earth, a collective vision, a feeling of sincere self-sacrifice to the greater good, and authentic compassion for each other.

And whatever details these next weeks bring to the collective dream, tomorrow's Virgo Full Moon offers a strong anchor point from which to ride this powerful time.

Please watch this video for a deeper explanation... it is about 16 minutes long.

In summary...

We can use this Full Moon to find 'sacred center', an inner place of reverential prayer... an INNER SANCTUARY... so that we can stay clean and clear over the next few weeks as this Piscean gate floods open. If as many of us as possible stand in reverence to the energy, perhaps we can amplify the highest dream possible for humanity, rather than wasting it in wild delusional astral chaos.

I know the late teacher, Alan Oken, spoke of this alignment with caution, suggesting this is a time for deep prayer in order to ride it effectively

To help provide a container for these times, I have decided to host a MOON SCHOOL in the month of April. Beginning on April 1st, I hope to provide a safe container within which to dream, leading an intimate group through the particulars of 'Moon Magic' as a way to co-create within its natural rhythmic flow.

Please go to this link to sign up! I've kept it affordable - only $127 for 4 weekly 1.5 hour classes. All details and registration is here:

So please: Take this Virgo Moment to find the sanctuary of peace within you... so you can TUNE IN and TUNE UP... holding your alignment with precision over the next few weeks, as the Neptune conjunction opens a gate to higher levels of universal consciousness.


A Seed of Safety: Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse


The Tender Light : Pisces