Immaculate Will: Virgo New Moon and Mars Retrograde
Well, who can say SUPER MOON??? Combined with the recent Mars retrograde in Aries... these few days offer some serious 'self-reclamation' and 'self-purification' energy. Getting our selves right, getting our goals right, creating from our purest form, connecting to PURE WILL... and prioritizing our own immaculate primal perfection. I'll take it. :) Then, as we cruise into the Full Moon Libra, we will find that loving ourselves from the inside enables our external relationships to reflect the purity of our form, rather than our conditioning.
Serving the Sacred Self : New Moon Leo
So... the 'FIGHT'? It is indeed imperative, at this moment in history, that we grow into ourselves in a powerful new way. That we do not cower or give in to old forms. Old habits. Old ways. That we truly align with what we KNOW to be in alignment with higher truth and love, whatever that means to us, moment to moment, RISING to it consistently.
So staying in top form, these next months... ensuring our fight is more RIGHT than MIGHT.... this matters.
And today's New Moon and upcoming Lunar Cycle should help.
Tending the Sacred Within: Cancer New Moon
I have a feeling that we ALL have a few frayed edges, dancing and lighting in the wind. Edges that may need attending to. Edges that deserve a moment of honor, and a moment of dignified declaration.
Karmic Reckoning (or... revealing the dream weaver): Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
We all carry 'structures and karmas' that form the way we see the world. These can be inherited from ancestors, carried from past lives, or rooted in the present socio/cultural zeitgeist. Whatever their origin, it is OUR responsibility to see beyond the LIES we live within. The lies that are convenient. The narrative 'truths' we blindly believe. We have FREE WILL to choose where we focus our attention. We can chose to perpetuate structures that, while comfortable, bind us to karmic behaviors and reaction patterns not serving highest good. Or, though often humbling, we can choose to lock into our liberation and let go of our comfort zone. Focus on something beyond the drama. Trust in a greater truth, a higher plan.
Truth in Progress : Full Moon Sagittarius
Our world right now is awash in perspectives. Awash in ideas. Awash in inputs. We have information overload and violent uprisings underpinned by serious collective pain. We are each of us desperate to be heard, while simultaneously being called to LISTEN UP and stay quiet enough to receive each other! And beneath it all lies this indwelling desire for something greater, something better, something more.
But solutions may be hard pressed, at this particular point in time. "Not in the stars", as they say.
Sharing Love : Gemini New Moon And Venus Retrograde
What does it mean to SHARE LOVE, rather than to GET LOVE? Why does this question matter deeply, in this moment of time? Join me in this month’s video discussion of the Venus retrograde cycle, highlighted by today’s Gemini New Moon (Gemini is ruled by Venus, esoterically…). I THINK you’ll LOVE it. ;)
Deep Regeneration: Taurus New Moon
We all want to be liberated from something right now. We are like caged birds.
Rather than blaming the government or engaging in hateful social media, I wonder what might happen if we take the time to look a little deeper.
Inestimable Love - Venus Out of Bounds
Right now there is available to each of us an invitation to EXPAND OUR HORIZON OF LOVE. To re-build our known container. If we offer ourselves to her, she will fill our cup with more than we could imagine. If we are willing to receive.
A Gift Disguised: New Moon Aries, March 24 2020
No more treadmill to nowhere. No more rat race with no finish line. We will face our fear of death, our fear of vulnerability, our fear of who we are and how we are living. We will STOP and take stock of what matters to us, what is worth living for.
Our Spiritual Will: New Moon Pisces
Pisces is the final Zodiacal archetype. As such, she represents the last stage of ego dissolution as we 'return' to the source of creation and reclaim a state of Grace. As part of her 'release into the mystery', Pisces must embrace the ENTIRE human experience... with unconditional love. No small feat, considering the 'mine field' of human experience is over-full with suffering.
Evolving the Collective: New Moon Aquarius, Jan 24 2020
Evolving the collective via individuation and clear spiritual sovereignty is our call for today…. and as we move into the month of Aquarius.
Dreaming Home : January 2020, Cancer/Capricorn
Let’s remember that we are here for HER. To take care of this planet, our bodies, each other. We all have to have a HOME and this is it. This earth. Are we going to take responsibility for where we live?? Do we care about our Great Mother? Today we are asked to remember. To really check in. To receive our marching orders, perhaps. Connect, feel, love... and keep each other close. It may not stave off the wolves, but it matters. To remember why we are fighting the good fight, why we care to even try.
Triumph Over Matter: New Moon Capricorn
Serious. Sober. Whole. This is Capricorn season. The most mysterious, the great initiate, the Unicorn.
“In Capricorn, we have the triumph of matter; it reaches its densest and most concrete expression; but this triumph is followed by that of spirit. There is full expression of the earthly nature in Capricorn, but also immense spiritual possibilities”. Alice Bailey
Self and Source : Sagittarius
On the mundane level, this months Sagittarius New Moon is about reaching for our dreams and applying a strong and consistent muscle to get us there. On the esoteric level, it is about learning to activate our inner site and higher vision, to affirm soul embodiment.
In either case, it's gonna be a fun month.
Shadow Play
In the month of Scorpio, we are learning to be Witchy. And what does it mean to be a Witch? To realize that all of life is ENERGY and POTENTIAL – and that that which we perceive as BOUNDARY or IDENTITY or STORY is often an illusion. That we can go beyond it. We can become MORE than it.
Divine Marriage : Libra
The Dance between the Masculine and Feminine has been broken in western civilization. As we deconstruct the patriarchy and come into RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with each other, we are challenged to first come into RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with our SELF. This video explores some practical exercises to ignite the DIVINE MARRIAGE between your internal masculine and feminine. :)
Perfectly Imperfect: Virgo
Esoterically, the archetype of Virgo describes the intersection of body and mind, spirit and form. She relentlessly works toward perfect alignment of the two, creating intentional order and brilliant systems all the while.
Shine the Sun from your HEART : New Moon Leo
In this video, I talk a bit about the nature of the SOLAR archetype, and how the SOURCE of the creative spark within us is ALWAYS divine. When we consciously connect to the light of the sun and shine it from our heart, we are an inexhaustible source of radiance that fuels our life and those around us. We become a conduit for the infinite love which connects us all, fuels our true essences, and stands resplendent in its everlasting glory.
Will of our Womb : Cancer New Moon & Solar Eclipse
Cancer is the archetype of the HOME and the MOTHER. But when we connect only to our GENETIC MOTHER and our INHERITED HOME, we miss the opportunity to understand the WOMB within. That part of us that comes from deep deep in our soul and speaks to us about what we want to create from. Our WOMB WILL, which is entirely our own and operates outside of inherited conditioning.
The Illumined Mind : Sagittarius Full Moon June 16 2019
A Sagittarius Full Moon offers us the chance to talk about ILLUMINATION and TRUTH. Higher truth, that is. And the Illumination of our higher mind. Join me and stretch your vision beyond the conventional.