Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Nothing More, Nothing Less: Virgo New Moon

Austerity is not a particularly nice word.... rather it is pinched, just like the energy today. It means to be PLAIN AND SIMPLE. It means to exhibit a STERN OR SERIOUS quality. It means to BUDGET, to make careful choices, to be realistic. Even restrictive.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

STOP: Aquarius Full Moon

There is a YOU shaped spot in the universe that only YOU can fill, and the faster you just BE it, the better the collective will function in aggregate.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

God in a Body: Capricorn Full Moon & Uranus on the North Node

Is it not fascinating, how we evolve? How 'Earth School' offers the perfect 'soul curriculum' to take us beyond our known? The Nodal Axis speaks of the mythological dance we are learning together.... and Uranus conjunct the North Node these next weeks may be a monumental moment in the unfolding of our human lives, this year.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

The Open Eye: Sagittarius Full Moon

High Vibe Sagittarius is pure joy, in my opinion. Divine being sips ambrosia nectar of the Gods!!! So let's pause the mundane for just a few wee hours and 'indulge' (as Sag loves to do) in the clarity that is available.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

A Seed of Safety: Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse

This earth matters. Our bodies matter. Our lives matter. We matter. We are enough. Spirit in a body... every one of us. Each deserving of security. Of survival. Every creature on this earth has that right - it's greed that steals it away.

Really, when you look at it... money isn't the root of all evil, GREED is. Wanting more than is yours to have. Feeling you have the right to take it. Energetically, physically, emotionally, spiritually.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Anchoring the Sacred: Virgo Full Moon & Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction

We can use this Full Moon to find 'sacred center', an inner place of reverential prayer... an INNER SANCTUARY... so that we can stay clean and clear over the next few weeks as this Piscean gate (Neptune conjunct Jupiter) floods open. If as many of us as possible stand in reverence to the energy, perhaps we can amplify the highest dream possible for humanity, rather than wasting it in wild delusional astral chaos.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

The Tender Light : Pisces

I know that these days we are facing a paradox, collectively. Do we hate, or do we love. For this is winter's dark jest, the end of times. This is the threat of innocence, yet again. Round and round and round we go. We've been here before, we will be here again. As sweet Venusian Joni Mitchel reminds, we are all 'Captives on the Carousel of Time' (She had Venus conjunct Neptune and opposite her Pisces moon...amorous dreamer indeed).

And in these times, OUR times, of victimization and chaos, tyranny and collapse, where do we normal folk go? How do make sense of even MORE horror??? Where do we escape???


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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Scorpio : The Alchemist

“Only if we venture repeatedly through zones of annihilation can our contact with Divine Being, which is beyond annihilation, become firm and stable. The more a man learns whole-heartedly to confront the world that threatens him with isolation, the more are the depths of the Ground of Being revealed and the possibilities of a new life and Becoming opened. "

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Libran Relationship: Our Universal Constant (or: the bee in our bonnet)

Libra may appear as the quintessential garden party hostess, the savvy behind-the-scenes political polymath, the hapless co-dependent, the sophisticated designer, or the passionate advocate for the dis-advantaged. Whatever the case, Libra naturally references reality through the 'world outside', in a sophisticated process of consideration, calculation and manipulation of the spaces that BIND.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Cancer: The Deep Earth Heartbeat, Our Home

Not a one of us did not come through a mother, whatever her ability to hold us may have been. Yet the MOTHER PRINCIPLE goes beyond the flesh. Cancer is the great Cosmic Womb or Mother principle, the most generative and creative force in the zodiac. The dreamer who dreams us, the Gaia who feeds us, the Goddess who loves us beyond ourselves.

To tap into HER I consider the ultimate in achievements.

Please, let me share why.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Uranus Square Saturn : Making Peace with Division

The defining theme, astrologically, of 2021 is the Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius. The first square occurred on February 17th, the second on June 14th, and the 3rd will be December 24th.

I offer this short video describing my take on this remarkably divisive, yet invitingly cohesive, collision of cultural reform and structural revolution.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Truth Gate : Sagittarius Full Lunar Eclipse

ECLIPSES are the game changers, the editors of our script.

They alter the story, delete portions no longer serving the plot, help us skip ahead a few chapters, bring back characters long forgotten, remind us of the chapters we tore out long ago.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Sacred Pleasure: Taurus

Taurus is the archetypal expression of Tantra. That ability to hold one’s presence, that tenuously delicate balance between BEING and NOT BEING, in the physical NOW. To receive sensation completely. To be WITH life force as it undulates, holding a container that never crushes.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

The Right to Be: Aries

My healing sped up considerably when I realized that no one was going to save me... but me. That I was literally the one I was waiting for. And even more importantly : that the ESSENTIAL PRIMACY OF ME WAS ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY OKAY. Nothing broken, nothing wrong.

I am exactly as I meant myself to be. And so are you.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Date with the Divine: Exploring Pisces

Pisces New Moon calls us to magic and depth, subtly and psychicism. If ever there was a time to explore the alchemy of spiritual attunement, this is it.

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Integrity, Value and Vivacious Blazing Glory! Full Moon LEO

No matter who we are, Helios will be our best friend, our ultimate lover, our brilliant and unending companion, our greatest cheerleader, and our infinite source of radiant power. You just have to tap in, and it's available. It's one of the amazing secrets of our Solar System! Why look to get 'power' from other people when this unbelievable source is there, 27/7?

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Soltice Magic: What is the New Age of Aquarius??

What IS the New Age of Aquarius? What does it actually MEAN? What are the guiding principles of this age? What is the VISION that is being born in us, right now? Individually and collectively??

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

IN TO ME I SEE : New Moon Scorpio

"Plugged deeply into source, you CAN TRUST YOURSELF to go all the way to the bottom of who you are... to take stock of all the changes... and to rest in who you are now becoming. You are the dreamer. The creator. And the one in control."

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Sara Elise Gordon Sara Elise Gordon

Stalwart Holy Soldier: Full Moon Aries Conjunct Chiron

Chiron is how the higher self merges with the lower self, and is drawn down into the organism. Today, we explore this theme… as the Full Moon in Aries is conjunct the great Centaur.

For the acquiescence of self - before the other, before the system, before our own need - THIS is how we die. And are reborn.

And today, that is okay.

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